Fall Health: Good Food for Detoxification

The so-called “human toxins” refers to substances that adversely affect the human body. There are two main sources: one is the metabolic waste generated during the normal metabolic process; the other is the deposition of various pollutions in the enviro.......

Fertilizers that are not suitable for vegetables

In the spring of March, vegetable farms were even more busy. Greenhouse tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers began to be planted, while cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes used in overwintering greenhouses should pay attention to dressing, watering, and pest control during this period.......

Did you apply these misunderstandings?

In terms of weeding in wheat fields, the following issues require attention:

Can not be remedy

Each herbicide has its herbicide spectrum. When the herbicides are used, they should be selected according to the type of weeds in the field. If we do not understand the type of w.......

Beware of bacterial mushroom brown spot

Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as maculopathy or yellow mushroom disease, is a common bacterial disease in Pleurotus ostreatus production. Pleurotus ostreatus not only appears yellow lesions after infection, but also affects its appearance. It is also bitter and can not be eaten. The .......

Red squash virus disease prevention

Red squash virus disease, also known as mosaic disease, its symptoms are as follows: the growth of red squash plant growth is slow, the plant leaves at the top of the leaves produce mosaic lesions, the leaves become smaller and shrink, even shrinkage, deformity, with severe fern Leaves, le.......