Key Techniques for Improving Eggplant Fruit Setting Rate

1. Topping: The fruit setting pattern of eggplant is generally increased with the plant's tillering. It is basically one fruit per tiller. Most of the gates are a single eggplant, two eggplants, four eggplants, and eight eggplants. Therefore, in management, we should make full use of t.......

What is good for summer acne?

What is good for summer acne?

Acne has always been a heart disease for women in the United States. Although various methods have been tried and various prescriptions are available, it is still unsatisfactory. A large part of the lon.......

Planting winter jujube in winter

In November, the jujube tree entered a dormant period, which is a favorable period for planting. Planting gardens should be selected as flat lands with adequate light and fertile soil. The planting time is appropriate after the fruit trees are defoliated and the soil is frozen. Seedlings a.......

What should I do if I have anemia in winter?

Many women suffer from physical weakness, coupled with poor nutrition, anemia, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, irregular menstruation, and other reasons, resulting in low body resistance, weak resistance to cold, poor blood circulation, or limbs Vascular blood circulation disorders, co.......

Under what circumstances pigs cannot castrate

(1) sick pigs can not castrate. All pigs with abnormal body temperature, severe skin diseases and frail diseases cannot castrate. To prevent the onset of infection.

(2) The estrus sow cannot castrate. When the sow is in estrus, the fallopian tubes are swollen and congested. At this.......

Application of powder dust in greenhouse

1, Duster adjustment. The hand-powdered duster is used for harvesting -5 and harvesting -10. The harvest speed of the Harvest-5 hand crank should be no less than 36 revolutions per minute, and the harvest-10 must reach 50 revolutions per minute. Make the dusting mouth can produce strong en.......

What will you eat if you eat too much?

I eat too much

The clinical use is mostly referred to as the product of raising liver and kidney yin. The Chinese medicine books are often referred to as yin yin drugs. The clinical use of yin is mostly used, but it is used improperly. Most people do.......