Children with over-obesity harm large diet recipes have these

Children with over-obesity harm large diet recipes have these

Nowadays, the attention of children is getting higher and higher, and every family focuses on the children. It is also because of excessive care for children and eating too many snacks for children. Nowadays, children are getting more and more fat. Therefore, many parents and friends want to know about children's weight loss recipes. Here's how Xiaobian can look at children's healthy weight loss methods.


Children's diet recipes

1, scallops burn melon

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of melon, water hair scallops, scallion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine and the amount.

Method: First cut the melon and then drain it with boiling water. Put the oil in the pot until it reaches 60% and heat it into scallion and ginger. Add the scallops, stir into the soup and boil for 5 minutes. Then put the melon into the sauce and put the salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, and stir until evenly. Pack food.

Efficacy: This dish is good for dampness, heat, Sheng Jin lipid-lowering is a good choice for children to lose weight.

2, shrimp rice cabbage

Raw materials: dried shrimp 10 grams, 200 grams of cabbage, 10 grams of vegetable oil, 10 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of salt, a little MSG.

System of law: First dried shrimp rice with warm water soaked and then washed and cut into sections about 3 cm. Put the pan into the pan and fry half-cooked. Put the dried shrimps, salt, and MSG into a little clean water and cover.

Efficacy: shrimp rice with kidney, beneficial stomach and other effects for obese children often eat.

3, cucumber mixed with pork

Raw materials: Fresh cucumber 750 grams, pork 100 grams, when back 3 grams, 50 grams of sugar, 30 grams of vinegar, 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of ginger, 50 grams of vegetable oil.

Method: cucumber cut section, shredded ginger, when back slices, pork boiled with boiling water after shred. Add pork, vinegar, salt, and ginger to the pork and cucumber segments and mix well until the oil is cooked until it matures.

Efficacy: It has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening the skin, clearing away heat and dampness, and not only helping the obese children to lose weight quickly but also to rosy skin.

4. Coix Seed Soup

Raw materials: red beans, green beans, barley.

Method: First, soak the washed red beans and green beans and Coix seed in water for one night. Wait until the next day, add the appropriate amount of water to the pot, then add mung beans, red beans and barley to the pot and boil it with the fire. After a slow simmering with a small amount of heat, all the beans are softened and ripened and seasoned with a little sugar.

It is important to note that you must not add too much sugar to your child, as it will not have any effect on weight loss and may become fat.

The harm caused by excessive obesity in children

1, reduced heart and lung function

Fat children's athletic ability is generally poor, and sometimes they are regarded as "lazy" by parents and teachers. In fact, this is a sign of reduced heart and lung function. In the same age and height, the weight of a fat child is heavier than that of a thin child. Then, the heart and lungs must increase circulation and respiration to meet the needs of the body. This is equivalent to an increased burden on the heart and lungs. The heavier the degree of obesity, the heavier the burden on the heart and lungs. Long-term overloading of the heart and lungs will inevitably lead to a decline in function. Obesity-induced reduction of heart and lung function is reversible at the beginning. If obesity is controlled, cardiopulmonary function will return to normal. If obesity continues, there will be sudden changes in ventricular hypertrophy and other organs that cannot return to normal.

2, there is hyperinsulinemia

Obese children generally have hyperinsulinemia. To maintain the need for glucose metabolism, long-term forced secretion of large amounts of insulin, leading to islet secretion failure, causing diabetes.

3, the impact on the liver

The liver of obese children needs to synthesize and operate excessive fat. It is unsustainable, liver dysfunction, accumulation of fat in liver cells, cell degeneration, and abnormal liver function. Therefore, about 40% to 50% of moderately severe obese adolescents have fatty liver. .

4. Precocious puberty in obese children

Male testosterone levels in serum of obese children and serum DHEA sulfate levels in women are significantly higher than those in normal children. Increased body fat can increase the secretion of adrenal hormones and reduce the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to the threshold of circulating sex hormones. Precocious puberty occurs. . Sexual development can lead to sexual awareness in advance, and it will lead to early sexual confusion, fear, anxiety and other adverse psychological states, affecting children's learning and life.

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