Summer re-nourishment heart recommended food

Chinese medicine believes that the five organs have five colors, and the heart corresponds to red. Summer is the best season for nourishing the heart. Eating more red food can protect the heart and improve the body's immunity against the invasion of germs.

Hot days can not eat spicy

Summer temperatures are high, but the body is still deficient, eating warm food is more appropriate. Eat a warm diet and let the body sweat properly. It helps to take away the evils of Shushi in the body. The following three kinds of spicy foods are conducive to he.......

When to drink honey is the best

"The salt water in the North Korea and the evening honey soup." In other words, drinking boiled water, the water is easy to lose, if you add a little salt in the boiled water, the situation is very different, it is not so easy to lose. This method is complementary to the physiolo.......

Can pregnant women eat lemon?

Can pregnant women eat lemon?

Of course, pregnant women can eat lemons. Lemon can supplement the vitamin C needed by the body. For pregnant women, it is best to drink lemon soaked water. Because of its extremely sour taste, the live.......

What kind of heat lungs eat during summer?

Summer hot weather, prone to lit symptoms, strong fire will endanger the health, Chinese medicine introduction, summer health should be meditation and care of spleen and lung, diet therapy is a good way.

Chuanbei Sydney Pill Soup

Take 120 grams of pork lungs, wash the slice.......

Summer high temperature compost improves soil fertility

Summer high-temperature compost is one of the main contents of improving soil fertility, and it is also an important way to return straw to the field. At present, it has entered the summer high temperature and rainy season, it is the favorable opportunity for high-temperature accumulation.
Feeding and water supply for goslings

One-day-three-day-old goslings do not require high feed because they have nutrients left in the body to provide nutrients. However, after 3 days of age, the metabolic function of goslings is increasingly prosperous in a temperature, humidity, light-suitable, clean, and well-ventilated environm.......

Basil's refreshing effect

Refreshing effect

Basil essential oil is extracted from leaves and flower heads and is a colorless essential oil. Cool scent has a strong stimulatory effect on the nervous system. When used in fatigue, it immediately boosts the spir.......