Google contact lenses will be put into production to monitor blood glucose correction vision

Google contact lenses will be put into production to monitor blood glucose correction vision

Release date: 2014-07-17

Google Inc. is currently signing an agreement with health giant Novartis to produce its epoch-making smart contact lenses.

This marks the first time that two companies will produce blood glucose monitoring for diabetic patients and glasses for treating hyperopia.

However, the company also hinted that the technology may have other uses, and Google has applied for photography-related patents for contact lenses.

Google announced that Alcon, an eye unit of Novartis, has reached an agreement with relevant Google departments to obtain permission to produce Google Smart Contact Lenses for ophthalmic medical treatment.

Sergey Brin, one of Google's founders, said: "Our dream is to apply the latest technology to micro-electronics to promote people's health and improve their quality of life. We are very happy to work with Novartis to make our dreams come true."

Under the framework of the agreement, Google[x] and Alcon will collaborate to develop "smart contact lenses" for eye diseases.

Smart contact lens technology includes non-invasive sensors, microchips, and other miniature electronic components embedded in contact lenses.

The first product will be used to help people with diabetes manage their health. The device can measure the body's blood sugar levels with the tiniest invasiveness. It uses the tears in the eyes to continuously obtain blood sugar information and communicate with the smartphone wirelessly.

The second use of the device is to treat hyperopia. For patients with hyperopia, smart contact lenses provide the ability to correct vision, helping the eye to restore natural autofocusing of the near object, allowing the hyperopic patient to read without the aid of glasses.

Google contact lenses can even be used to help the blind. Use the camera carried by the glasses to take pictures and process the image data feedback to the blind, so that the blind can interact with the external environment. Wi-Fi and smartphone connections can also be provided to blind voice commands. Google also said that the system can also perform facial recognition, allowing blind people to recognize people.

Source: Kexun Medical Network

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