How Tea Garden Management Can Improve Tea Quality

Tea garden management has a direct impact on the quality of tea, pruning in the fall, strengthening the fertilization in the winter, this can increase tea production, and if you want to improve quality, you also need to pay attention to pest management, pay attention to picking work, speci.......

Summer porridge cool refreshing and health

In summer, the temperature is high, and 70% of the body is water. It can be seen that the first step in heatstroke prevention is to make up for the water. To make up for the water is the absolute principle. The replenishment can be obtained through the following wa.......

The three points of the management of yam growth

After entering the summer, the yam is about to enter the tuber enlargement period. During the middle period of growth, it is the period of vegetative growth and tuber enlargement. The high temperature and hot summer needs the scientific deployment of fertilizer and water supply, and the pr.......

How to keep supplementary food nutrition

Infants and young children have a small stomach capacity and a small amount of food, but they need more nutrients than adults. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to cooking methods, to maximize the preservation of nutrients in food, and to reduce unnecessa.......