Science confirms that a new organ is "hidden" in the digestive system

Science confirms that a new organ is "hidden" in the digestive system

Science confirms that a new organ is "hidden" in the digestive system

January 10, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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At the beginning of the new year, you will receive a new message about the composition of the body organs. Irish researchers have recently identified that the human digestive system "hidden" a new organ, the mesentery.

In general, organs are considered to have an independent structural composition and unique vital functions, such as the heart is a muscle-constituting organ responsible for blood supply. The mesentery is a peritoneum that suspends and fixes the intestine in the posterior abdominal wall. Previous studies have suggested that the mesentery is an incomplete structure composed of dispersed parts. Since Da Vinci first described the presence of the mesentery during the Renaissance, the mesentery has been neglected as an unimportant human “accessory”.

In the British Journal of Lancet, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the researchers reported that in 2012, they found that the mesentery actually had a continuous structure through fine electron microscopy; in the past four years, they continued to collect evidence of the mesentery. It is further evidence of an independent organ.

Calvin Coffey, a professor at the University of Limerick School of Medicine in Ireland, who led the study, said in an interview that the research paper has been peer-reviewed and can now claim that there is an unrecognized organ in the human body. The anatomical description that has been passed down more than a hundred years ago is wrong."

Thanks to this research, medical students have studied the mesentery as an independent organ since 2016. The latest definition is also updated in the world's most famous medical textbook, Gram's Anatomy.

Although the researchers have now figured out the structure of the mesentery, it is not well understood for its function as a connecting layer. Future research on the mesentery will help to more specifically study the treatment of abdominal and digestive diseases.

"If you understand the function of the mesentery, you can understand their dysfunction, and then you can study the related diseases. Putting these together becomes the basis of 'Mesenteric Science' - a new scientific field," Fei said.

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