Stumble down. Before the seedlings emerge, they can suffer damage, causing the seeds, germs or cotyledons to rot. After the affected seedlings were unearthed, they were stained with water-stained yellowish-brown spots on the base of the young shoots near the ground. They spread around the .......
Vegetables in autumn and winter are mainly white cruciferous, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, and other vegetables. There are many types of diseases and pests, and prevention and control work is relatively complex. In order to do a good job of prevention and control of pests and diseases, we.......
1. Seed Disinfection: Use 30% seedlings for enemies wettable powder seed dressing, the amount of 0.4% of the seed amount; or soak for 30 minutes with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, can kill the seeds of the bacteria.
2. Cover the cover with medicine soil: Using disease-free .......
Apple is a favorite fruit for many people and is known as the king of beauty. However, Apple can not eat indiscriminately, eating apples is also a lot of taboo. Were you infected?
Apple core containing hydrocyanic acid
In summer, many vegetable farmers are worried that the vegetables in their greenhouses will be exposed to high temperature hazards. How do you identify and prevent vegetable heat damage? Here's a brief introduction to the vegetable farmers.
Symptoms of direct injury: the high t.......
Attack on Roche! Atezolizumab slams PD-L1 drug market
September 6, 2015 Source: Medical Network
Window._bd_share_config={ "common":{ "bdSnsKey":{ },"bdText":"","bdMini":"2",.......Anemarrhenae is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, medicinal rhizomes, which have the functions of clearing away heat and purging fire, relieving cough and removing sputum, moisturizing dry and intestine, and tocolysis. The market demand is large, and it is a large variety of medicinal herbs. .......