What to eat in winter

What to eat in winter

What to eat in the winter? Nowadays, all kinds of food can be eaten in any season, but eating seasonal food is the healthiest choice. Today, for everyone to count what winter seasonal food has, to help you health and reasonable arrangements for the winter diet.

What kind of vegetables are good for winter?

Chinese cabbage. Chinese medicine believes that the Chinese cabbage is nourishing the stomach, and the bitter taste is slightly cold. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and calcium, but also contains iron, phosphorus, carotene and B vitamins.

cauliflower. Cauliflower is rich in vitamins. Every 200g of fresh cauliflower can provide adults with more than 75% of the vitamin A needed for a day's diet. The content of vitamin C is even more prominent. It can reach 80 mg per 100 grams, which is more than usual. Cabbage and bean sprouts are 3 to 4 times higher than citrus and twice as high as citrus.

celery. Chinese medicine believes that celery is cool, flat liver and stomach, sweet and non-toxic, rich in protein, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, amino acids, etc., can stimulate the central nervous system, eat more, promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, and祛痰 effect. Celery can be fried with shredded pork, pork, etc., bright colors, fresh flavor.

sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are more nutritious foods in foods. Since sweet potatoes can supply a large amount of mucin, sugar, vitamin A, and vitamin C to the human body, they have a deficiency of replenishing tonic, Qi power, spleen and stomach, strong kidney yin, and stomach, warm stomach, and beneficial lungs.

Cabbage. The content of vitamin C in cabbage is 3.5 times that of tomato, and the content of calcium is twice that of cucumber. Cabbage also contains trace elements such as molybdenum and manganese, which are indispensable raw materials for the manufacture of enzymes, hormones and other active substances. It can promote the metabolism of human body and is very beneficial to children's growth and development. Its large amount of vitamin C can enhance the body's ability to fight cancer.


What to eat in winter

Hawthorn: Spleen appetizer, digestion and stagnation. When the cold winter arrives, it is a good choice to eat some delicious and nutritious hawthorns to help regulate the body. Hawthorn has important medicinal value. Since ancient times, it has become a good medicine for spleen and appetizers, digestion and stagnation, and blood circulation. Hawthorn fruit for medicinal purposes, slightly lukewarm, sour and sweet taste, into the spleen, stomach, liver, there is digestion and stomach, blood stasis, convergence Zhijiu function. The meat has a good effect, such as sips, phlegm, acid, diarrhea, intestinal wind, low back pain, postpartum children, pillow pain, lochia, stagnation, etc.

Pomegranate: Helps reduce blood fat and blood sugar. Pomegranate can not only help digestion, but also has a variety of effects of lowering blood fat and blood sugar as well as cholesterol. The red pomegranate is rich in minerals and has two antioxidant components: red pomegranate polyphenols and anthocyanins. It also contains linoleic acid, vitamin c and folic acid. Calcium, magnesium, zinc and other mineral extracts contained in red pomegranate can quickly supplement the loss of moisture in the skin and make the skin brighter and softer. However, although the pomegranate is good, it is not easy to eat, eat more easily hurt teeth, oysters, not suitable for constipation, urethritis, diabetes, real heat stagnation.

Grapefruit: qi and phlegm, lungs and intestines. Grapefruit is known as its grapefruit has "natural canned fruit," is the best fruit in winter. It is rich in protein, organic acids, vitamins and essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. In addition to high nutritional value, it also has the effects of Jianweixiaoshi, phlegm and cough relieving, regular consumption, and adjuvant therapy for hypertension and diabetes. Consumption in winter can reduce anger and inhibit oral ulcers. It can promote wound healing and has a good adjuvant effect on septicemia.

Finally, let's take a look at the meat that is suitable for winter.

What kind of meat is good for winter?

Pork: iron supplements. Pork fat lean is different, fat is high in fat, protein content is small, eat more easily lead to high blood fat and obesity and other diseases; most of the protein is concentrated in lean meat, and lean meat also contains hemoglobin, can play a role in iron The role can prevent anemia. Hemoglobin in meat is better absorbed than in plants, so eating lean meat is better than eating vegetables.

Pigeon: strong body kidney. As the saying goes, "one pigeon wins nine chickens". The nutrition of pigeon meat has always been recognized by people. It has the functions of strengthening kidneys, brains, improving memory, lowering blood pressure, adjusting blood sugar, beauty, and making skin white and delicate. It is easy to digest and is suitable for the elderly, weak physically weak, surgical patients, pregnant women and children.

Wuji chicken: tonic labor. Wuji is flat and sweet; it has the functions of nourishing yin and clearing heat, supplementing liver and kidney, and preventing spleen and diarrhea. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica," the black-boned chicken has the functions of tonicism and weakness, systemic diabetes, probiotics, and the treatment of female collapse and vaginal discharge. Ukrainian chicken contains more amino acids than ordinary chickens, and contains more iron than normal chickens. It is a tonic with high nutritional value. It is said that black-bone chicken is a "black heart baby"; therefore, black-bone chicken is a tonic , raising the body's good quality.

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