Shengte Home Ecological pork

2014 is the year when China’s environmental protection has achieved initial results. In 2015, it will create a new era of food safety in China. In this environment where health awareness has rapidly increased, ecological pork has received more and more attention. So do you know what e.......

The role of cooking wine

The use of cooking wine in our country has a history of over a thousand years. Certain countries in Japan, the United States, and Europe also have a habit of using cooking wine. Do you know the role of cooking wine? Xiaobian tells you the answer.

Get up early to get up early to sleep

beginning of spring

The cold went by spring to spring

Solar terms dictionary:

Lichun is also known as "spring spring" and "bite spring", also known as "spring return", and "stand" is the meaning of "start". Every yea.......

蛤蒌 - food value


1, Guangdong, Guangxi people wrapper dumplings with pork as fat stuffing, first, you can eliminate the fatty pork, and second, the glutinous rice and the damp heat, hot and cold poison. It also uses its leaves .......

How do we eat and drink in the coming spring?

Suitable: spinach, leek, lettuce, leek, garlic sprouts, onion

The spring air is often warm and cold, and this is the yin and yang of the human body. It is easy to form anger in the liver. This year, it is calculated using the “Nei Jing” five movements and six gas, water.......

Spring chicken feed needs to be adjusted

1, reduce energy feed

In spring, when the hen enters the peak of egg production, it is necessary to pay attention to the timely adjustment of the nutrient content of the feed in order to obtain good economic benefits, and to ensure the completeness and abundance of various nutrients i.......

I often eat 8 kinds of fruits day and night

What does it take for people to stay up late? Now that people’s life is accelerating and their work is busy, people often stay up late to work overtime, and the pressure on work increases. These are contrary to the normal biological clock, and the risks of staying up late are great........

The efficacy and effect of Rakhosin

Taste: cool, bitter, non-toxic.

Function: dampness, heat, intestines, cooling blood, myogenic.

Indications, dosage and usage: 1, dampness abdominal pain: dry with 5 money to 1 two, clear water decoct.......