Three-dimensional cultivation of vegetables

Three-dimensional cultivation of vegetables

1. The varieties with short growth period and the long growth period are matched with other varieties such as taro, big winter melon, western celery, winter cabbage, carrot, etc. The growth period is longer and they can be interplanted in early crops with short growing period, medium-sized leeks, and small vegetables. Cabbage, leeks, kale, spinach, early maturing cucumbers, ripening melons, radishes, etc.

2. Hi-light varieties and shade-tolerant varieties with, such as cowpea + cabbage gap three-dimensional planting.

3. High culm and short stalk varieties, erect type and climbing ground type. Such as onion + spinach (or cabbage), onion + cabbage.

4. Deep-rooted varieties are paired with shallow-rooted varieties. For example, deep-rooted late fruit vegetables such as gourd, wax gourd, eggplant, etc., and shallow-rooted green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, Chinese wolfberry, leeks, etc. are composed of multiple layers and interplanting.

5. Arrange a reasonable field population structure, such as melon + tomato three-dimensional cultivation, can be introduced to the tomato melon vine climbing growth, not only the use of frame materials, and the late tomato fruit due to the appropriate shade of winter melon, It also reduces the sunburn of the fruit.

6. Early celery seedlings under melon sheds, such as melon (or sponge gourd, gourd gourd, etc.) cultivated in Daping, grow to late July to August, and sow early celery seedlings on pods without melons.

7. The use of vertical temperature differences between high-altitude mountainous regions and plains, such as the anti-seasonal growth of areas above 800 meters above sea level in summer, and the anti-seasonal production of greenhouse facilities in winter and spring plains.

8. Cultivation technology of indoor stand facilities, such as the stand to grow water spinach vegetables, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, Chinese wolfberry, leeks, etc., spread green leafy vegetables, make full use of space, factory production of vegetables, but to lighting, heating and air conditioning and other facilities.


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