In scientific research, techniques such as cell culture are quite mature, and it is a difficult point for researchers to present the state of the cell completely unreserved. However, the emergence of a new imaging technology has brought the dawn of researchers, that is, holographic imaging technology. Most of the previous technologies were applied to photography. At present, Phiab of Sweden has developed HoloMonitor using this holographic technology. TM M4 laser holographic imaging and analysis system successfully applied this high technology to the field of life sciences. What surprises can the newcomer bring to us? 1, long-term, non-invasive cell detection M4 uses physical interference imaging technology to achieve non-invasive, label-free observation of cells, the largest 2, cell tracking M4 can take long-time time-lapse shots of cells, achieve cell-side culture and shoot, and automatically record cell motility. At present, in many scientific studies, cell motility and cell migration rate are important indicators for judging cell sensitivity. In the M4 system, not only can a long-term morphological visual image of the cell be obtained, but also Track cells in the analysis software can be given. Single cell, multi-cell trajectory, migration direction, migration distance and other data, avoiding the data statistics and data analysis process after the experiment, it can save time and effort. 3, quantitative statistics In the M4 analysis system, cell segmentation recognition is used to perform cell identification by various statistical methods. (You can also make manual adjustments!) Based on the correlation between the acquired image area and the culture dish volume, the number of cells in the entire culture dish is counted. In addition, the system automatically generates a quantitative histogram of any cell parameter, such as a histogram of cell volume, ie the number of cells in different cell volumes. 4, morphological analysis Morphological analysis is a fairly powerful feature in the M4 system. Whether it is real-time imaging or time-lapse imaging, each morphological parameter of each cell in the picture is recorded, such as volume, area, maximum thickness, average thickness, circumference, and irregularity. In the software, Analyze cell can directly output scatter plots on the relationship between cell parameters and cell distribution. The researchers can also mark the scatter plot and record the experimental analysis area required for the experiment. Only cell morphology and statistical analysis were performed for each region. This function has a good application in the fields of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and cell cycle. 5, data output M4 can not only output pictures but also make time-output pictures for video output, and more intuitive observation of cell morphology and cell activity, which will prove your research report. The HoloMonitor TM M4 laser holographic imaging and analysis system uses holographic technology to record every point of the cell. Each hologram contains all the data in the image. For researchers with more and more scientific research requirements, this is Undoubtedly a new milestone in cell biology. The HoloMonitor TM M4 laser holographic imaging and analysis system has been applied to many life science research areas such as tumor invasion and metastasis, cell resistance, nano-microarrays, hybrid nano-polymer micelles, cell cycle, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cells Apoptosis, nerve cell observation, etc. At present, researchers are still exploring more technologies, more applications and more innovations of M4. Foam Fire Extinguisher,Foam Extinguisher,Foam Annihilator,Foam Type Extinguisher JIANGSU NEW FIRE FIGHTING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , To the extent that the true state of the cell is reflected, and the false positives of the experimental treatment can be ruled out. In the system's analysis software, you can achieve 3D reconstruction of the observed cells, add pseudo-color to the picture, increase the contrast between the cells and the background, and make your experimental pictures look colorful, no longer just black or white.
Application of HoloMonitorTM M4 in Cell Biology Research: Cell Detection, Cell Tracking, Morphological Analysis, etc.>
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