Cotton full grass control technology

During the whole growing period of cotton, the problem of weeding was concentrated in the early period, namely, the four periods of pre-planting, seedling, and middle flower buds. During these four growing seasons, weeds compete for light, compete for fertilizers, and compete for water due.......

How many mangoes do you eat for a day?

Mangoes are also known as the “King of Tropical Fruits” because they are famous for their tropical fruits, such as lemon fruit, hard fruit, fruit, honey, fruit, etc. China is one of the major mango-producing countries and is located in Fujian, Taiwan, G.......

Wax gourd cultivation

The use of vines in the rooting of the gourd knot to make the adventitious roots form secondary absorption groups and increase nutrient supply.

1, pressure vines of melon planting:

Melon stalks thick, long period of melon, in order to reduce the burden of scaffolding to pre.......