Field technique of melon melon cultivation

Fertilizer management. It is not easy to water in the growing stage of melon stalks. It is necessary to adopt the management measures of “promoting” and “controlling”. After the watering, the cultivator should be kept in a timely manner to extend the time between wa.......

Can people with diabetes eat mangosteen?

“Mangosteen has a reputation as a “fruit queen” and is rich in protein, vitamins and fats, and has a high nutritional value. Can people with diabetes as a special group eat it?”

Mangosteen diabetics can eat i.......

Teach you to grow sweet potatoes

Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, scientific name sweet potato.

Sweet potato is an important grain and industrial raw material crop in China. In recent years, the consumption structure of sweet potato has changed.......

What pale pale stomach eats

Stomach cold refers to the symptoms of chilly air condensing in stomach cramps caused by cold food or spleen and stomach yang deficiency. Patients often feel epigastric pain, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and heat. In addition to the cold stomach caused sto.......

Kiwi tree pollination selection of male flowers

Answer: When selecting kiwi male flowers, the first is that the growth momentum of the plants is stronger, and more branches are produced, which are more likely to become flowers. Second, whether the flowering period of the male flower meets the female flower, the flowering quantity is lar.......

Liver qi stagnation drink tea?

Liver qi stagnation refers to the phenomenon of liver discomfort caused by emotional fluctuations caused by emotional depression or other chronic wasting diseases. If the catharsis does not occur, liver qi stagnation results in qi stagnation, blood stasis or qi sta.......