Half an hour after a meal, this is more effective

People eat three meals a day, and many people will pay more attention to these three meals, in order to eat healthy. And healthy life is not as simple as a three-meal, nutritious diet. Using half an hour after three meals a day can effectively achieve health and fi.......

Summer solstice to eat what vegetables?

After the summer solstice comes to an end, in order to improve the discomfort brought about by the high temperature, we must eat more vegetables to supplement the water and clear the heat. What kind of vegetables do you eat during the summer solstice? The bitter gourd is refreshing, the ca.......

Five people should not eat peaches

Summer peach market, many people love to eat peach because it is not only rich in dietary fiber, has the effect of laxative. However, peaches are not suitable for everyone, especially for some special groups. This is because because peaches have a warm, hot body after eating peaches, they .......