The crowd of taboos

Taboo crowd

Yi Shi

Appropriate to suffer from lung atrophy, tuberculosis, chronic sputum cough, action shortness of breath, urinary stones, emphysema, pulmonary he.......

Autumn diet recipes and notes

Weight loss is a way of life. When you have such a lifestyle, how can you reasonably arrange a one-day diet? Here's your recommended fall health diet recipe book, guarantee you thin down. If you want to lose a few more kilograms, you must take it!


1 bowl of breakfa.......

The pharmacological effects of Digupi

Pharmacological effects

1. Effects on Cardiovascular System Infusions, tinctures, and decoctions of ground bone used in anaesthetized dogs, cats, and rabbits have significant antihypertensive effect, and are accompanied by reduced h.......

How to make rice more nutritious and delicious

How can rice be more nutritious and delicious? Rice is a staple food that we often eat in our daily lives, and it is also a food that many people like to eat. However, different people use different rice flavors cooked with the same rice, and some people cook speci.......

Distillers fed pigs should pay attention to what?

With the development of the wine industry, the by-product distiller's grains will increase. The dry matter content of distiller's grains can reach about 20% to 25%. Feeding pigs with them can effectively reduce feed costs, but improper use can also be counterproductive. Therefore, .......

How to prevent watermelon knock-down

Tripartite disease, commonly known as "small feet," is an important disease of watermelon seedlings. The disease is a fungal disease. After the seedlings have been unearthed and the true leaves have not yet been unfolded, they have been infected by the bacteria, resulting in wate.......

Green Parsley Cultivation Technology

Parsley is an aphrodisiac herbaceous plant of the genus Ovrycum, which is also known as artichoke, parsley, dry celery, and citron. The color of parsley is green and has a clear fragrance. Its edible parts are young leaves and tender stems, which can be eaten raw or cooked with meat. It ca.......

The effect and role of dragon's blood

Efficacy and function

Dragon's Blood is the resin in the dried fruits and cane of the palm plant. The blood is also known as dried up, sea wax, unicorn blood, and wood blood. The blood has stasis, pain, hemostasis, and muscle-re.......