How to prevent breast cancer? Eat 6 types of food away from breast cancer

How to prevent breast cancer? Eat 6 types of food away from breast cancer

In recent years, among the various malignant tumors that women are susceptible to, breast cancer has become the "killer" that seriously threatens women's lives and health.

There are many predisposing factors for breast cancer. Mental stress and mood depression are closely related to the disease. There are chemical substances that induce breast cancer in insecticides and cosmetics that are often used in daily life. Reluctance to bear children and give birth too late are hurting them. Breast health. One of the important reasons why food can't be ignored is diet.


â–  Breast cancer is closely related to dietary behavior

Studies have confirmed that high fat, high animal protein, and low-fiber diets are important factors that cause breast cancer.

Epidemiological studies have found that breast cancer mortality is positively correlated with per capita annual fat consumption in the region. In some countries where high-fat foods are predominant, the incidence of breast cancer is 5 to 12 times higher in countries with lower fat foods; women who regularly eat red meat have the risk of breast cancer who often eat fish and poultry. Two times that of people with milk and dairy products; in regions with low breast cancer incidence, people's diet tends to be dominated by starches and vegetarians.

When too much fat is ingested, excess calories will accumulate as fat, and fat may increase estrogen stimulation of mammary epithelial cells and induce cancer of breast tissue. The daily fat intake per capita of American residents is 2.5 times that of Chinese people, and the incidence of breast cancer is four times that of Asian, African and Latin American regions. Excessive intake of fat will inevitably increase body weight, and the incidence of breast cancer will increase with the increase of body weight. If 70 kg is the standard weight, the incidence of breast cancer will increase by 20% for every 10 kg of body weight added. In addition, the large intake of fat will also lead to a decrease in the body's immune function, which itself will give cancer opportunities.

Research shows that there is also a relationship between alcohol intake and the probability of breast cancer. Women who drink alcohol are twice as likely to have breast cancer than non-drinkers. Alcohol can increase sexual steroid hormone levels in premenopausal women and become a predisposing factor for breast cancer. Alcohol can also stimulate the secretion of prolactin in the anterior pituitary, which in turn is associated with breast cancer. Women who ingest 10 grams more alcohol per day will have a 90% increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. According to the survey, young women who drink more than two glasses a day are more likely to develop breast cancer, especially if they drink alcohol during ovulation. Therefore, women, especially women before and after menopause, should abstain from drinking or drink less.

With the large intake of caffeine, the risk of breast cancer will greatly increase. Therefore, women, especially middle-aged women, should drink less coffee.

Prevention of breast cancer requires an "entry" article

Although the incidence of breast cancer is high, but it can be prevented, as long as the active treatment of breast hyperplasia, pay attention to diet, it will reduce the threat of breast cancer. As the saying that prevention is better than cure in advance, several foods that can reduce breast cancer are now recommended.

Beans food

According to a study by the Hawaii Cancer Research Center in the United States, regular consumption of soybeans will reduce the risk of breast cancer by 50%. Legume foods are rich in phytoestrogens and are compounds similar to human female hormones. They can be converted into a new substance in the intestine by carotene and can inhibit the carcinogenic effects of "hormone-dependent carcinogens" in the body on the breast. . Every 20 grams of soybean contains 20 milligrams of phytoestrogens. Animal experiments have found that the incidence of breast cancer can be reduced by 65% ​​in animals eating a lot of soybeans. A survey in Singapore also found that the intake of soybeans is twice that of the average woman, and the risk of breast cancer is only half that of the average person. In particular, people who eat soy beans and their products contain a compound that inhibits the growth of tumor blood vessels in the urine. It cuts off the nutrient source of the tumor and prevents the spread of cancer cells.


Soybeans are very effective in preventing breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer. As long as the diet contains 5% soybean or its finished product, chemical carcinogens that induce breast cancer can be significantly inhibited. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones, which is a weaker female hormone. Menopausal women often eat soybeans and can regulate the secretion of estrogen well, thus reducing menopausal symptoms and regulating breast and female Hormonal reactions make breast tissue less prone to abnormal changes and have the effect of preventing breast cancer.

Soybean contains many trace elements, such as cobalt, selenium, molybdenum, etc., eat soybeans and tofu, can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer.


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