New research provides new clues for the treatment of obese diabetes in the elderly

New research provides new clues for the treatment of obese diabetes in the elderly

New research provides new clues for the treatment of obese diabetes in the elderly

December 30, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Highlights of this article:

Cellular senescence in beige adipose precursor cells impairs freezing-induced beige fat production in aged mammals

Inducing premature aging of young beige fat precursor cells is sufficient to block beige fat production

Reversing the aging of beige fat precursor cells by genetic methods can restore the production of beige fat

Targeting the aging process by pharmacological methods can restore the vitality of precursor cells and the potential of beige fat production

Recently, researchers from the Southwestern Medical Center published a new study in the international academic journal Cell Metabolism, in which they found new clues about the weakening of beige fat production in the elderly.

Cryopreservation can induce the formation of beige fat cells in fat adipose cells in white adipose tissue to help consume energy to produce calories, which many researchers and experts consider to be a potential strategy for treating diabetes and obesity. However, with the aging process, the ability of freezing to induce beige fat production will gradually decline, which poses a barrier to the clinical application of this method in the elderly population, and the elderly account for a high proportion of obese people.

In this study, the researchers found that aging mouse and human beige fat precursor cells showed a phenomenon of cellular senescence, which may be due to the ability of beige fat precursor cells to form apoptotic cells with random aging. An important reason for getting weaker.

The researchers then genetically and pharmacologically activated the senescence pathway in young beige fat precursor cells to induce premature senescence in the cells, which was found to block the formation of beige fat cells induced by the precursor cells under freezing conditions. In contrast, targeting the p38/MAPK-p16 signaling pathway in aging mice and human beige adipose precursor cells not only restores freeze-induced production of beige fat cells, but also further enhances glycemic control.

Collectively, these results suggest that anti-aging strategies can help to enhance the production of beige fat cells in elderly mammals, which is beneficial for improving metabolic health.

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