Agave orchid culture method and precautions

Agave orchid culture method and precautions

First, agave orchid culture method

1. Water and fertilizer requirements

The planting of agave orchids requires attention to the soil, and the fertilizer is also very important. The potted plants are usually mixed with humu.......

Chestnut nutritional value and peeling method

Chestnut, also known as chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, and wind chestnut, is a genus of the genus Castanea, native to China. Do you usually eat chestnuts? Do you know the nutritional benefits of chestnuts?

The nutritional value of chestnut

Each 100 grams contains 5.7 grams o.......

How to ferment cake fertilizer

Cake fertilizers are generally fermented before they can be applied. Because the plant nutrient elements contained in the cake fertilizer are all organic, the plants should not be directly absorbed; the cake fertilizer contains a certain amount of oil, the decomposition is slow, and the so.......

Apple tree spring management must do three things

Spring management of apple trees is an important stage in the annual growth cycle of fruit trees. The spring climate is generally dry, and the temperature changes are more frequent. Under such climatic conditions, how to manage the spring management of fruit trees? Professor Yang Zongzhong.......

March strawberry field management points

March is the peak season for strawberry market. On the basis of timely irrigation and ventilation and dehumidification, the strawberry will focus on the supplementary nutrition and pest control of strawberry fruit.

The supplemental nutriti.......