Herbicide application experience

Do not play small

The idea is to wait until the weeds grow to a certain period before starting the medication. If the weeds are used when they are small, the area of ​​the weeds that contacts the liquid becomes smaller, which is not conducive to the death of the weeds.......

Autumn edible mushroom management points

The autumn season is a period when fungus production is more lively. In the autumn, the mushrooms grow in splendid colors, and the winter cultivation seeds are in full swing, and more strains of bacteria are in progress. This season should be focused on the development of germs management,.......

Luyuan Chicken

Origin (or distribution): Luyuan chicken origin and central production areas are Zhangjiagang City and Changshu City, Jiangsu Province. They are mainly distributed in Zhangjiagang City Luyuan, Tangqiao, Miaoqiao, Xizhang and Zhanhang Townships, Jiangsu Suzhou, Wuxi and Yangzhou. , And Shan.......

Autumn diet health note four bogey

Avoid spicy and cold food

Autumn should also eat less irritating, spicy, hot foods, such as pepper. It is also necessary to avoid all kinds of hot and humid gas accumulation. All foods with a spicy smell have the function of dissemi.......

Fruit sweetening tips

The fruit grows big, the fruit shape is good, the color is good, the taste is sweet, the market sells well, and the price is high. Especially sweetness, generally high fruit sweetness, customers like it. Therefore, in recent years, experts have conducted repeated sweetening tests on fruit tree.......

Piglet strength difference adjustment

First, the strong and weak separation, on time feeding a nest in the growth and development is good, the piglets with strong constitution are divided into one column; the lighter weight, the stunted pups are divided into one column; The sky is covered with straw and covered with quilts. Ev.......

What are the common duck breeds?

The mother ducks are called laying ducks from the beginning of egg production until they are eliminated. The egg-type female ducks have a utilization period of about 350 days, which is called the first egg production year. After the moulting rests, they are reused for the second and third .......