What should I do if the centrifuge is corroded?

Centrifuges are generally made of stainless steel, so there will be more or less corrosion, then the metal corrosion pattern is mainly divided into two categories: uniform corrosion and local corrosion. The former is easy to find because of the apparent phen.......

Steam trap maintenance and maintenance

Steam trap maintenance and maintenance

Steam traps differ from other types of steam valves. As an automatic valve, steam traps operate and switch frequently. After using for a certain period of time, it is often faced with problems such as.......

Three steps of jujube dryer

The red jujube dryer can be divided into the following three stages:
1. Preheating stage: The goal is to gradually heat the jujube from the skin to the flesh, improve the temperature of the jujube, and prepare for a small amount of evaporated water.
Sugar beet sowing and seedling management

A paper tube nursery transplanting

1, nurture strong seedlings. . Do a good job in the mix of seedbed soil, organic fertilizer and seedbed fertilizer, start planting seedlings at the beginning of April; increase insulation measures after seeding to prevent freezing and freezing inj.......

Mixed use of foliar fertilizers and pesticides

In the recent guidance of production in the countryside, many vegetable farmers have asked whether foliar fertilizers can be used in combination with pesticides. Now let's talk about this issue.

Whether foliar fertilizers and pesticides can be mixed, according to the specific i.......

The benefits of eating grapes in summer

What are the benefits of eating more grapes in the summer? Now is the season for grapes. Sweet and sour grapes are loved by many people. What are the unexpected benefits of using grapes in moderation? However, the cleaning of the grapes is not an easy task. Is there any way to thoroughly c.......