The morphological characteristics of Jinguo Lam

The morphological characteristics of Jinguo Lam

Morphological characteristics

Qingniu gallbladder is from the "Supplement to Outlines", and Jinguo Lam (qingniu gallbladder) is evergreen from vine. The roots are ovoid, oval, kidney-shaped or round, with constant connections, and the skin is yellowish. Stem cylindrical, dark green, rough lines, coat. Leaves alternate, petiole 2 to 3.5 cm long, slightly covered with hairs; leaves ovately arched, 6 to 9 cm long, 5 to 6 cm wide, apex acute, base rounded, arrow-shaped, entire, green above, none Hair, light green below, was sparsely hairy. Flowers nearly white, unisexual, dioecious, into axillary panicles, inflorescences loosely hairy, total pedicels 6 to 9 cm long, sepals short, linear; male flowers with calyx 2 rounds, outer 3 lanceolate, inner Round 3 obovate, lateral outer hairs; petals 6, minute, alternate with calyx, apex truncate, dimples, base gradually narrowed, stamens 6, anthers subsquarite, filaments separate, apex expanded; female sepals identical to male, petals Smaller, spatulate, staminodes 6, club-shaped, carpels 3. Stone fruit spherical, red. Flowering from March to May. Fruit period from September to November.

3 Growth habits

Born in sparse forests, thickets, or crevices.

4 geographical distribution

Distributed in China's Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.

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