Morphological characteristics Qingniu gallbladder is from the "Supplement to Outlines", and Jinguo Lam (qingniu gallbladder) is evergreen from vine. The roots are ovoid, oval, kidney-shaped or round, with constant connections, and the skin is yellowish. Stem cylindrical, dark green, rough lines, coat. Leaves alternate, petiole 2 to 3.5 cm long, slightly covered with hairs; leaves ovately arched, 6 to 9 cm long, 5 to 6 cm wide, apex acute, base rounded, arrow-shaped, entire, green above, none Hair, light green below, was sparsely hairy. Flowers nearly white, unisexual, dioecious, into axillary panicles, inflorescences loosely hairy, total pedicels 6 to 9 cm long, sepals short, linear; male flowers with calyx 2 rounds, outer 3 lanceolate, inner Round 3 obovate, lateral outer hairs; petals 6, minute, alternate with calyx, apex truncate, dimples, base gradually narrowed, stamens 6, anthers subsquarite, filaments separate, apex expanded; female sepals identical to male, petals Smaller, spatulate, staminodes 6, club-shaped, carpels 3. Stone fruit spherical, red. Flowering from March to May. Fruit period from September to November. 3 Growth habits Born in sparse forests, thickets, or crevices. 4 geographical distribution Distributed in China's Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places. Shaoxing Wine 12Yrs,Shaoxing Wine Hua Diao 12Years,Shaoxing Rice Wine Huangjiu 12Yrs,Hua Diao Wine Zhejiang Shanying Trading Co.,Ltd. ,
The morphological characteristics of Jinguo Lam>
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