Millet white disease prevention

Millet white disease prevention

Prevention and control strategies should be based on seed treatment, supplemented by agricultural control, and combined selection of disease-resistant varieties.

1. Chemical control. Use 35% metalaxyl seed dressing with 0.2%-0.3% seed weight, dry seed dressing or wet mix, or 50% methine copper wettable powder, seed 0.3%-0.4%, 64% cacao cream Manganese zinc wettable powder seed dressing according to 0.4% -0.5%, 95% hymexazol (Luheng No. 1) boutique seed weight 0.1% of the amount of seed dressing. Sow immediately after mixing.

2. Agricultural control. Reasonable crop rotation is an effective measure to prevent and control white disease. The two-year rotation in light wards can be effective, and the severe disease plots should be implemented in three years. It should work with non-host crops such as wheat, beans, and potatoes. Also pay attention to the application of sterile fertilizer and seed treatment. Large area rotation works well. Pay attention to protection, appropriate sowing, appropriate shallow sowing, to promote early seedlings, seedlings, and reduce the chance of infection. In addition, the removal of gray back, white tip disease can effectively prevent the occurrence of white incidence in the second year, must be timely pull, continuous pull, whole plant pull, pull out consecutive years before they can be effective, - must be removed before the diseased plant spores scattered To remove the diseased plants, bring them out of the field and burn them out. Do not use them for feeding livestock and for composting.

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