Japanese research team found substances that promote cancer metastasis

Japanese research team found substances that promote cancer metastasis

Japanese research team found substances that promote cancer metastasis

June 20, 2018 Source: World Wide Web

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According to a report by the Kyodo News Agency on June 20, a research team of the Japanese Shiga Medical University professor Fan Tianjiu (Molecular Pathology Biochemistry) released a message on the 19th that a protein called "EMP1" has been discovered to promote cancer metastasis.

Researchers believe that if the amount of EMP1 can be grasped, it will become a marker of whether cancer is easy to metastasize. If substances that inhibit its activity are found, it is possible to develop new agents that prevent cancer from spreading or spreading around. The results have been published in the electronic version of the international professional magazine.

The team analyzed the genes that play a role in cancer cells in the early stages of metastasis, and found that genes that produce EMP1 are active on the cell surface.

The researchers produced prostate cancer cells that produced large amounts of EMP1. After transplanting the cancer cells into the prostate of the experimental mice, the cancer metastasized to the lymph and lungs. In contrast, no metastasis was found in the transplantation of prostate cancer cells that did not substantially produce EMP1. This leads to the conclusion that EMP1 is closely related to metastasis.

In addition, the researchers also found that EMP1 on the surface of cancer cells binds to other proteins in cancer cells, improves cell metastasis, and promotes cancer metastasis.

Fan Tian believes that the deaths caused by cancer are mostly caused by metastasis, indicating that "it is hoped to reduce the death caused by cancer by inhibiting metastasis." (Global Network Reporter Wang Huan)

Antimalarial & Antiparasitic


Antimalarial medications, also known as antimalarials, are designed to prevent or cure malaria. Such drugs may be used for some or all of the following:

Treatment of malaria in individuals with suspected or confirmed infection

Prevention of infection in individuals visiting a malaria-endemic region who have no immunity (Malaria prophylaxis)

Routine intermittent treatment of certain groups in endemic regions (Intermittent preventive therapy)

Some antimalarial agents, particularly chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, are also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus-associated arthritis.

Current practice in treating cases of malaria is based on the concept of combination therapy, since this offers several advantages, including reduced risk of treatment failure, reduced risk of developing resistance, enhanced convenience, and reduced side-effects. Prompt parasitological confirmation by microscopy, or alternatively by rapid diagnostic tests, is recommended in all patients suspected of malaria before treatment is started. Treatment solely on the basis of clinical suspicion should only be considered when a parasitological diagnosis is not accessible.


Antiparasitics are a class of medications which are indicated for the treatment of parasitic diseases, such as those caused by helminths,amoeba, ectoparasites, parasitic fungi, and protozoa, among others. Antiparasitics target the parasitic agents of the infections by destroying them or inhibiting their growth;[4] they are usually effective against a limited number of parasites within a particular class. Antiparasitics are one of the antimicrobial drugs which include antibiotics that target bacteria, and antifungals that target fungi. They may be administered orally, intravenously or topically.

Broad-spectrum antiparasitics, analogous to broad-spectrum antibiotics for bacteria, are antiparasitic drugs with efficacy in treating a wide range of parasitic infections caused by parasites from different classes.

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