Rainy multi-cotton summer field should be grasped

Rainy days have adverse effects on cotton growth and are conducive to the occurrence of cotton pests and diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of cotton fields, pay close attention to the occurrence and development of cotton pests and diseases, and timely contro.......

Scientific pursuit of corn joint fertilizer

The 7-leaf stage of maize enters the jointing stage, which is the optimum period for applying jointed fertilizer. At this time, the corn leaves are fully expanded, the stems are rapidly elongated, the stems and leaves grow vigorously, the tassels begin to differentiate, and the demand for .......

Corn has white seedlings to supplement zinc most effective

From the 4th leaf stage, the leaf color of the base of the new leaves became yellowish white; in the 5-6 leaf stage, the yellowish and pale green stripes appeared in the 1st to 3rd leaves under the heart leaf, but the veins were still green and the base appeared. Purple streaks; after 10 t.......

How to eat yam? The benefits of eating yam

As one of the white foods of yam, Chinese medicinal materials are called yam, yam, yam and so on. Because of its nutrient-rich, since ancient times it has been regarded as inexpensive tonic to share, especially yam containing saponin, mucoid, there is a lubrication.......