What biotechnology is chasing billions of dollars?

Globally, more capital began to “run wild” in the biomedical field: Last year, the top 25 companies in the global pharmaceutical R&D expenditure invested a total of 100.441 billion US dollars for research and development; global biomedical field venture capita.......

Guye Solar Health Recipes

After rain, there is a noticeable increase in rainwater and the grain grows vigorously. The following recipes for conditioning the gas phase are as follows:

Rabbit Liver Egg Soup

Green manure is not to be managed well after sowing

The commonly used green manure is Ziyunying and Safflower, which are legume green manure crops. According to their growth habits and nutritional characteristics, it is an important measure to capture the high yield of green manure after sowing.

Open a good "three ditch." .......

One month before the college entrance exam

How should the parents of the candidates scientifically arrange the three meals a month before the children's college entrance examination?

The first month of the college entrance exam should pay attention to four main points: <.......

Several common sleep-friendly diets

1, Suanzaoren porridge

First, 30 grams of Suanzaoren washed and chopped, thick fried juice, followed by taking 100 grams of porridge glutinous rice, porridge half-cooked when the frying sauce into the cook, porridge into light food........