Winter-spring puppies are susceptible to yellow urine

Winter-spring puppies are susceptible to yellow urine

Rabbit acute enteritis commonly known as yellow urine, multiple winter and spring season, due to less green and winter feed in winter and spring. Breast-feeding female rabbits are mainly concentrated on feed, resulting in less milk or too much milk. The chances of breast-feeding mothers suffering from mastitis are increased. When puppies eat the milk of female rabbits suffering from mastitis during breast-feeding, it causes acute illness. Failure to find treatment early will result in death of the entire nest.

Clinical symptoms

The diseased rabbit was in a poisonous state, covered in bruise, pulled yellow watery feces, yellowed urine, wet around the anus and adhered to yellow feces, smelly unpleasant feces, stomach swelling, and sick rabbits were lethargic and thin. The course of the disease is generally 2 to 3 days. If it is not treated in time, it often dies due to dehydration.


The disease is mainly prevention. Usually, the female rabbit cage and utensils are kept clean and dry, and mats inside the box are made of soft, clean and dry mats.

Before and after giving birth, the female rabbit should appropriately reduce the amount of concentrate feed, and increase the amount of juicy green feed to prevent excessive breast milk and over-concentration to cause mastitis.

It is necessary to promptly check the changes of the female rabbit's milk. When it is found that the breast has an abscess or induration, the female rabbit should be treated in time. When the pups suck and bite nipples, the mastitis should be treated in a timely manner and the other rabbits should be fed or artificially fed.

In order to prevent the occurrence of mastitis in female rabbits, oral compound sulfamethoxazole tablets can be taken orally 3 times a day, 1 tablet at a time, or 3 to 1.6 million international units of intramuscular penicillin on the third day after delivery. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of mastitis in rabbits.

treatment method

The disease is anemic and dying quickly. Therefore, once the pups with yellow urine are found, the female and pups should be treated immediately. The thick milk of the female rabbit was squeezed clean, and the breasts were washed with normal saline and wiped dry.

If abscesses or ulcers occur around the nipples, they are first sterilized with iodine and then closed with 0.25% procaine plus penicillin solution.

Female rabbits were injected intramuscularly with Houttuynia injection twice a day for 2 to 3 ml each time; while taking andrographin tablets were taken orally, 3 times a day, 3 tablets each time, and they were fed for 2 days.

Rabbits were treated with Houttuynia injection twice a day, every time 1 to 1.5 ml, usually 2 to 3 days Jiyu, can also be taken orally pentobarium injection 2 times a day, each time 1 to 1.5 ml.

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