What are the precautions for winter stomach diet?

What are the precautions for winter stomach diet?

Every year, when the autumn and winter seasons alternate, they often have the characteristics of dry climate, frequent weather changes, etc., and are also high incidences of gastric diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, and gastric neurosis. Zhuang Liwei, director of the Department of Gastroenterology at the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, recently came to the provincial radio station to talk about the theme of Qiu Dongbao's stomach.

1. Eat warm food. In order to maintain a certain amount of heat, the human body in winter must increase the decomposition of sugar, fat, and protein in the body and generate more energy to meet the needs of the body. Dietary supplements such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins should be added to improve the tolerance of the body to low temperatures. In addition, the spleen of the stomach is hi chilly and chilly and should eat more foods that warm the stomach, such as beef and mutton, leeks and so on.


2. Regular rations for three meals. The winter nights are long and short, and many people will change their meals to two meals a day and raise the meals for two meals. This is not worth recommending. Can easily cause gastric acid secretion disorders and damage the gastric mucosa. Daily meals should be quantified regularly. Meal energy distribution should be 30%, 40%, 30%, breakfast at 6:30~8:30, lunch at 11:30~13:30, dinner at 18:00~20:00.

3. Eat more stew and eat cold. In cold winter days, many people like to eat hot food. However, the human esophageal wall is composed of mucous membranes, which is very delicate and can only tolerate 50-60°C foods. Exceeding this temperature, the esophagus's mucous membranes will be burned. Too cold food enters the stomach and stimulates the gastric mucosa to cause stomach problems. It is also not conducive to keeping the body warm. Therefore, the food in winter should be mainly warm, eat more stews, cooking, eat cold dishes, do not drink soup soup.

4. Chew slowly. Someone came home from the cold outside and saw the warm food immediately scamper and devoured. However, in a short time, a large number of fast food, chewing inadequate food into the stomach can not fully mix with the gastrointestinal fluid, directly affect its digestion and absorption, but also easy to overfull and beyond the stomach capacity. Chewing slowly will help the food and gastric juice evenly mixed, promote digestion and absorption, the absorption rate of certain nutrients in food can also be increased by about 10%. It is advisable to chew 30 times per mouthful of food for no less than 20 minutes per meal.

5. Have a warm drink before the meal. The best time to drink water is to get up in the morning when fasting and one hour before each meal. Drink water immediately after meal will dilute the stomach juice. Soup soaked rice will also affect digestion.

6. Walk indoors after meals. Walking after meals in winter can be changed to indoor, and do not go immediately after a meal, but should be 20 to 30 minutes after a meal. "100-step walk after a meal" is only suitable for people who usually have less activity and are physically overweight or over-acid. Elderly people with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis should not “take a hundred paces” immediately after a meal.

7. Wear a cotton vest. A cold winter can slow down the stomach or cause stomach cramps. It can also lead to "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", leading to diarrhea, fatigue, and weakness. The winter must pay attention to the warmth of the stomach, you can wear a warm vest, give the stomach a warm environment.

8. Keep your mind relaxed. Many people have had this experience, "I'm angry and have stomachache." Deranged to hurt the liver, liver gas guilty, can cause stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, we must maintain a stable mood and a good mood. The winter sunshine is shortened and it is easy to be depressed. It is recommended that you stick to the exercise and get as much sunshine outdoors as possible.

9. Take medication more carefully. First of all, many drugs have irritation to the gastric mucosa, which can damage the gastric mucosa and even cause ulcers. Be careful. For temporary gastrointestinal disorders, it is not advisable to arbitrarily eat antibiotics, antispasmodics, and antidiarrheal drugs. Second, the medication must be selected correctly. The protective gastric mucosa and gastric powered drugs are suitable for taking half an hour before meals. Cimetidine and other anti-acid drugs are best taken along with the meals. You can take neutralizing stomach acid after one hour. Sodium bicarbonate, aluminum hydroxide, etc.

10. Pay attention to oral hygiene. Helicobacter pylori is the culprit leading to stomach problems, mainly from the unclean mouth, and is stored in large amounts on plaque. When the body's resistance is reduced, Helicobacter pylori can easily lead to the occurrence or recurrence of stomach problems. Therefore, always change the toothbrush, and insist on gargle after each meal.

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