Vitamins are a type of trace organic substances that humans and animals must obtain from food in order to maintain normal physiological functions. They play an important role in human growth, metabolism and development. Vitamins do not participate in the formation of human cells in the body, nor do they provide energy for the human body. Vitamins are a class of organic compounds necessary for maintaining good health.
Our company provides group A vitamins, group B vitamins, B12, etc.
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The same fertilizer is applied at different depths. Why are the effects different?>
Roots of different crops have different degrees of development. Even if the same crop is in different growth stages, the depth of distribution of roots in the soil is not the same. Rational fertilization should apply most of the fertilizer to the root-dense level and apply it to the strongest parts of the root system, which is beneficial to crop absorption. The roots of wheat and rice are mainly distributed in 0-20cm soil layers, while the cotton roots are mostly distributed in 10-40cm soil layers. Therefore, the same fertilizer should be applied to different crops at different depths.
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Shatangju necessary nutrition and fertilization