The compatibility of borneol

The compatibility of borneol

Compatibility utility

Borneol compatibility of Phellodendron: Ice tablets bitter cold longer than Tong Zhu Yi, scattered Yuhuo, to take advantage of eyesight, external use can be heat and reduce swelling, relieve itching; yellow cypress bitter cold work good heat dampness, Xiehuo detoxification topical dampness and sores can be sore. The two are related to external use of heat and purging fire, detoxification swelling, dampness and sores, pain relief itching effect for the treatment of fiery Yu Yu upside attacks caused by oral erosion, ulcers, mouth sores, sore throat embolism.

Borneol compatibility Arisaema: Bitter ice cold bitter, refreshing, heat and pain relief. Gong Zhu Tong Zhuo, scattered Yu fire, provision of turbidity, to take advantage of eyesight, heat swelling and pain relief; Arisania bitterness, warming, dampness and phlegm, urgency given shock, swelling and Sanjie. Longer than the meridians, open and close knots, and scattered winds are the “special medicines for opening up the style of dripping polyester”. The combination of the two is effective in waking brains and opening and closing hurricanes. It can be used to treat heat into the pericardium, stroke, or epilepsy and see evidence of conscious coma and dental barriers.

The toxic side effects are as follows: The LD50 is greater than that of allosaurone, indicating that the toxicity of borneol is smaller than that of allosaurus. Borneol contains isoborneol, which has a small lethal dose, so the synthetic borneol is more toxic. The poisonous response is: When the amount is too large, it can make the gastrointestinal tract stimulate, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, visible liver and spleen, can make the central nervous system excited, causing convulsions, loss of consciousness, paralysis. Cause respiratory failure and die.

Cosmetic Grade Chemcial

Natural Field cosmetics raw material extracted from plants contain highly-pure and standardized active substances. They are mainly used to improve skin and hair health and appearance. The strong ingredients are: 5-Aminolevulinic acid, Idebenone, Chlorogenic acid, Polydatin. Etc.
Cosmetics are natural, synthetic or extracted various effects of different substances as raw materials, heating, stirring and emulsification and other production processes from the chemical mixture. It is a compound mixture of various raw materials after reasonable mixing and processing. The raw materials of cosmetics are various in variety and performance. According to the properties and USES of cosmetic materials, they can be divided into two categories: matrix materials and auxiliary materials.
The former is a kind of main raw material of cosmetics, which occupies a large proportion in the cosmetics formula and plays a major role in the cosmetics. The latter plays a role in shaping, stabilizing, or imparting color, fragrance, and other properties to cosmetics, which are not used in large amounts in cosmetic formulations but are extremely important.

Skin Whitening,anti-aging,arbutin,kojic acid,fullerenes

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