Coprinus comatus anti-season cultivation techniques

1. Application conditions: This technology is suitable for large-scale production. The area of ​​cultivated fields is 300-1000 square meters.

2. Construction of bacteria: dig depth of 0.2 meters, width of 1.4 meters, length of 20 meters within the bacillary dysentery,.......

Millet white disease prevention

Prevention and control strategies should be based on seed treatment, supplemented by agricultural control, and combined selection of disease-resistant varieties.

1. Chemical control. Use 35% metalaxyl seed dressing with 0.2%-0.3% seed weight, dry seed dressing or wet mix, or 50% me.......

The efficacy and function of bitter herbs

The effect of bitter herbs:

The bitter herbs are bitter cold and have the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying and cooling blood. For the treatment of dysentery, jaundice, blood shower, sputum, swelling treatment. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medic.......

Plantago clinical application

Clinical application:

1, for the treatment of hot shower (acute urethritis, cystitis), to take its diuretic and heat effect, often with phlegm, stone lice and other compatibility. Both Ba Zheng San and Shi Jie San used the plantago........

Auricular wall cultivation method

The culture formula of the fungus wall cultivation method is the same as other bag planting methods. Use a 17 cm 35 cm polypropylene bag. The bag was sterilized and inoculated according to the conventional method and cultured in a dark environment. The temperature was 18-28°C at room te.......

Beware of a major outbreak of wheat scab

At present, the nationwide wheat has gradually entered the heading and flowering period, which is an important period for the formation of yield, and is also a critical period for the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. The continuous rainy weather in recent days in Henan, Hebei, and .......

Buy brush cutter five strokes to get

Brush cutters are a kind of forestry machinery. It is used for the removal of shrubs, weeds, pruning, cutting of small-diameter logs, cutting bamboo, etc., for forest clearing, young forest tending, secondary forest rebuilding, and forest tending and cutting. In the brush cutter with some .......