Studies show a link between negative emotions and immune responses

Studies show a link between negative emotions and immune responses

Studies show a link between negative emotions and immune responses

January 14, 2019 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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According to a study by Pennsylvania State University, negative emotions, such as grief and anger, associated with higher levels of inflammation may indicate poor health.

The researchers found that over time, negative emotions measured multiple times a day were associated with higher levels of inflammatory biomarkers. Past studies have shown that clinical depression and hostility are associated with a higher degree of inflammation, consistent with the findings of this study. The research has recently been published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

Inflammation is part of the body's immune response to infections, wounds and tissue damage. Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

Jennifer Graham-Engeland, the lead author of the study and assistant professor of biological behavioral health, sees this as the first study of the association between instantaneous and recalling measures of emotions or emotions and inflammation measurements.

In the study, participants were asked to report on the current feelings while also reviewing the feelings of the past period of time. These self-assessment processes lasted two weeks, and the researchers then collected their blood samples to measure biomarkers of inflammation in the blood.

The researchers found that the negative emotions that accumulate a week before the blood draw were associated with higher levels of inflammation. Graham-Engeland said: "Other analyses have also shown that emotional measures are related to the timing of blood draw. Specifically, when negative emotion assessments are closer to blood collection time, there is a stronger link between transient negative emotions and inflammation." Researchers not only used questionnaires to let participants recall the feelings over time, but also asked participants how they felt at the time. In addition, short-term positive emotions during the same week were associated with lower levels of inflammation, but only for men.

Graham-Engeland said: "We hope that this study will enable researchers to include temporary pressure and impact measurements in studies examining inflammation to replicate current findings and help identify mechanisms for potential links between effects and inflammation. Because emotions are variable, we are very happy with these results, hoping that they will stimulate future research to understand the link between emotions and inflammation, which in turn can promote new types of psychological interventions, and thus more broadly Promote health and help break the cycle that causes chronic inflammation, disability and disease."

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