How to cook Chinese medicine? 6 common sense needs to be mastered

How to cook Chinese medicine? 6 common sense needs to be mastered

[ China Pharmaceutical Network Health Health ] The Chinese medicine, which is decoction with water, is the most widely used method for treating diseases in ancient China. It can still be cured and cured, and the effect is better. For some drugs with special properties, depending on the condition, special decocting should be indicated on the prescription. The pharmacist responsible for formulating the prescription will also be especially ill and will be single-packed. However, there are still many people who don't know how to cook Chinese medicine. Some common sense below can help you.

(How do Chinese medicine cook? 6 common sense needs to be mastered)

How to cook Chinese medicine? The following 6 points for your reference

1 selection of decocting appliances

We should choose casserole when boiling Chinese medicine, avoid using iron pot copper pot to avoid reaction with the medicine. It is better to use a casserole. In addition, an enamel pot, a stainless steel pot or a glass fryer can also be used. However, you cannot use iron pots or copper pots.

2 decocting water

When decoction of Chinese medicine, we also need to pay attention to the amount of water added to avoid excessive or too thin soup. The amount of water added for the first decoction is 3 to 5 cm above the surface of the drug, and the amount of water added for the second decoction is more than 3 cm above the surface of the drug.

3 decocting temperature

When decocting, we also need to pay attention to the correct use of heat. The correct heat is beneficial to the effect of the drug. Generally, it is used in a fire (strong fire) before boiling, and then switched to simmer (weak fire) after boiling. The micro-boiling state is advantageous for the frying of the active ingredient.

4 boiling time

When boiling Chinese medicine, be sure to pay attention to the time of boiling, mainly according to the nature of the drug and disease. In general, the first Chinese medicine is boiled for 20 to 30 minutes, and the second is 30 to 40 minutes. For cold medicine, the first 10 to 15 minutes, the second 15 to 20 minutes, and the nourishing medicine. Fry for 30 to 40 minutes, and fry for 40 to 50 minutes.

5 boiling times

Some medicines are not cooked once, and we need to cook them twice, 3 times. This must be noted that the decoction can be fried for about 20% of the ingredients, so the number of times of the decoction is 2 or 3 times is appropriate.

6Retain the amount of liquid medicine

We also need to pay attention to the choice of the amount of liquid medicine to be taken. Adults and children are generally different. Generally speaking, the amount of liquid medicine after a combination of two doses of boiling medicine is combined. Adults take 300 to 400 ml and take it twice a day. Children take 200 to 300 ml, 2 to 3 times a day or a small number of times.

The above is the problem we need to pay attention to when boiling Chinese medicine. I hope that you can seriously understand and properly decoction Chinese medicine, so as to ensure the full effect of the medicine and ensure the safety of the medicine, so that our disease can be as soon as possible. Rehabilitation, I wish you a happy life!

Ready-to-eat Double Packed Sweet Corn

In this category is sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co.

The physical characteristics of maize consist of grain colour, grain shape, seed coat lustre, grain length, grain width, 100 grain weight, grain diameter, uniformity of the seed and hardness. In most cases, the colour of the endosperm of mature maize kernels is yellow or white, while the seed coat and paste layer are colourless and transparent. Depending on the colour of the kernels, there are three types of maize: yellow, white and mixed. Depending on the kernel form, hardness and different uses, maize is divided into two types: common maize (hard, intermediate, horse-tooth, hard-horse, horse-hard) and special maize (high-lysine maize, high-oil maize, sweet maize, cracked maize, glutinous maize).

The sweet corn of Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. belongs to the special corn category of yellow corn.

Also known as fruit corn. The leaves on the outside are light green (only the ears are in the pack, we have removed the leaves for you) and the kernels inside are white or yellow. Sweeter than regular sweet corn, but lower in starch and rich in vitamin E and fibre, which is anti-ageing and aids digestion. Perfect for eating raw, mixed with vegetables in salads; it can also be steamed, but don't cook it for too long, about 5 minutes.

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Delectable Sweet Corn Cob,Microwave Sweet Corn Cob,Country Sweet Corn,Ready To Eat Sweet Corn

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,