Finishing pigs: refine management to optimize feed formulation

Finishing pigs: refine management to optimize feed formulation

Refinery management

Reasonable grouping. Generally, it is advisable to keep 10 to 20 heads per lap, to ensure that each pig has a suitable field area (usually 0.4 to 0.8 square meter/head in the early stage of finishing, and 0.8 to 1.2 square meters/head in the later period) and keep it. Pigs in the same pen are evenly weighed.

Do a good job of the "three-point positioning" of the pigs, so that the pigs from the beginning to develop a fixed place defecation, feeding and sleeping habits.

Do a good job in the environmental sanitation work of the pig house and clean up the excrement in time. Sprinkle the “safety care” on the floor of the pig house or spray it directly inside the pig house to promote the proliferation of probiotic bacteria inside the pig house, the animal body surface and the intestinal tract. Rapidly decompose residual organic matter in the house, dry the home environment, absorb pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolites, inhibit the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the pig house, and achieve the purpose of quickly reconstructing the microbiotic environment of the probiotic bacteria in the house. Can significantly reduce the incidence of E. coli diarrhea, salmonellosis, Haemophilus parasuis, infectious pleuropneumonia and other diseases.

Optimize feed formulation and adjust feeding methods

The temperature in autumn is suitable, and the appetite of fattening pigs is prosperous. This stage is a good time for rapid growth. It is critical to optimize feed formulas and adjust feeding methods.

Medium-sized pigs (40 kg to 70 kg): corn 64%, wheat bran 13.5%, soybean meal 20%, premix 2%, "Da Zhuang 2x" 0.5% ~ 0.8%. Feeding method: free to eat.

Big pigs (60 kg to slaughter): 64% corn, 15.5% wheat bran, 18% soybean meal, 2% premix, and 0.5% to 0.8% of "Da Zhuang Su-2x". Feeding method: free to eat.

In the feeding method, unlimited feeding and feeding are adopted, and those who have conditions may adopt raw material wet feeding and drinking water alone. Good immunization, deworming, stomachic work in autumn, focusing on vaccines for swine fever, pseudorabies, and foot-and-mouth disease; use levamisole or albendazole tablets for deworming, feed the pig at 25 mg/kg into the feed. Repel internal parasites. Spray the body surface of the pig with 3% to 5% of trichlorfon solution to drive off the ectoparasites. The stomach can be beaten with 2 tablets of rhubarb per 10 kilograms of body weight and mixed in the feed 3 times.

Complete Greenhouse

A greenhouse(also called hothouse)is a building or complex in which allow for greater control over the growing environment of plants. Depending upon the technical specification of a greenhouse, key factors which may be controlled include temperature, levels of light and shade, irrigation, fertilizer application, and atmospheric humidity. Greenhouse may be used to overcome shortcomings in the growing qualities of a piece of land, such as a short growing season or poor light levels, greenhouses are often used for growing flowers, vegetables, fruits, transplants and seedlings. Greenhouses can be divided into glass greenhouses and plastic greenhouses. Plastics mostly used are polyethylene film and multiwall sheets of polycarbonate material, or PMMA acrylic glass. Commercial glass greenhouse are often high-tech production facilities for vegetables or flowers. The glass greenhouse are filled with equipment such as screening installations, heating, cooling and lighting, and may be automatically controlled by a computer.

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