Autumn radish management focus

Autumn radish management focus

The key points of autumn radish management should pay attention to the following points:

According to the autumn sputum and market requirements, the disease-resistant varieties are selected. Mainly based on green skin varieties. The sowing period is appropriately postponed during the dry season, avoiding the sensitive period of high temperature and drought. Intercropping with field crops and avoiding continuous cropping and collocation with cruciferous vegetables. Take sorghum live broadcast, watering more during the seedling period, lowering the ground temperature. Proper late seedlings. During the dry period, the seedling stage should be shortened, the weeding and weeding should be carried out in time, and the weak seedlings should be removed. In the seedling stage, timely control of aphids and yellow strips.

It can be trapped by yellow plate or sprayed with insecticidal wettable powder. There is no ideal therapeutic agent when virus disease occurs. In the early stage of the virus disease, you can use the new high-lipid membrane + plant cell immune factor to prevent and prevent the infection of the bacteria, improve the plant resistance, and make the virus DNA break and apoptosis. Strong immune function, induce interferon and active interleukin, inhibit residual virus replication, and promote positive energy ecological growth of plants.

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Disposable Urinary Nursing

Excretion is an important part of metabolism, however, due to various reasons, many patients will not be able to auto- urinate normally and smoothly. So we need to help urinate manually. Catheterization is a very common practice of nursing operations after closely observed and documented.
Yingmed offers you a series of catheter-related care products. For example: Silicone catheter, Urine bag, Urinal,Bed Pan .

Through the urine and stool, doctors can judge patients` condition. Yingmed also provided Urinal cups and disposable tubes for storage , then the urine and stool could be delivered to lab to do analysis. In addition, the urine analyzer will help the experimenter to get a correct data .

You will find all of the disposable urinary care products in this category.

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