What is good for eating red dates

What is good for eating red dates

On weekdays, jujube is an extremely frequent food, both in advertisements and in health books. Therefore, Xiao Bian is also here for everyone to list the role of red dates, so that women friends know that eating red dates, but also know what to eat red dates.


The greatest effect of jujube is blood, which is to add blood loss. Because of the existence of physical period and its own physical problems, women are often more prone to blood deficiency. The impact of blood deficiency on women is very large, not only can cause poor face, but also lead to dizziness, headache, tired and so on. In simple terms, the body is weak. We describe the "facelessness" commonly used when others are weak, and so on. Blood deficiency women can solve these problems well by eating red dates.

First, beauty

Blood deficiency is first manifested in his face. His face is pale and his lips are gray. They are symptoms of blood deficiency. If the blood gas is sufficient, the complexion will become rosy and shiny, the skin will be more delicate, wrinkles will be well controlled.

10 dates, 15 grams of black fungus, amount of crystal sugar. Rinse red dates, soak them in fresh water for about 2 hours, and remove them. Black fungus soaked with water, pick clean. Put jujube and black fungus into soup bowl, add appropriate amount of water and crystal sugar and steam on cage for about 1 hour. Daily morning and evening after serving each time, you can make up nourishing blood. Applicable to blood deficiency, pale, frightened and anemic people. Eaten without disease, can play a strong health care effect of nourishing blood. Take it regularly, you can stay in the face Freckle, bodybuilder muscle, and for the treatment of facial dark spots, thin shape. Pay attention to those who have wet and stagnation should not eat too much.

Second, tranquilizer

People with blood deficiency also have large fluctuations in mood, and are prone to anxiety, irritability, etc., and often suffer from insomnia, and insomnia increases blood deficiency. This vicious cycle continues and eventually the body is overwhelmed. At this point, we can use red dates for conditioning.

After dinner, use red dates and decoction to take it: Or with lily porridge: eat soup before going to sleep to eat dates, can speed up to sleep. Use 1000 grams of fresh red dates, wash to check for meat mash, add appropriate amount of water to cook with simmered fire, filter to take the juice, mix in 500 grams of honey, and mix evenly on the fire to obtain the date cream, bottling and set aside. Each serving 15 milliliters, 2 times a day, continuous serving, can prevent insomnia.

Third, promote excretion

Due to the lack of blood in the body, the blood circulation in the body will be weakened accordingly, and as a result, metabolism and the like will also be affected. The more obvious symptom is poor stool. Due to poor body excretion, waste will accumulate in the body and our body will naturally be in a very unhealthy condition.

Second, insufficiency of blood can lead to pain in the physical period. Severe persons may not be able to walk upright or even get out of bed.

Angelica 15 grams, red dates 50 grams, sugar 20 grams, 50 grams of rice. First, dip angelica with warm water for a while, add 200 grams of water, fry the first 100 grams of gravy, and then remove the juice from the slag. Add water with glutinous rice, red dates and white sugar, and cook until the porridge becomes. Take morning and evening warmly and take 10 days as a course of treatment. This porridge has the function of regulating blood circulation, regulating blood circulation, relieving pain, and relaxing laxative. It is suitable for qi and blood deficiency, irregular menstruation, menopausal dysmenorrhea, blood deficiency headache, dizziness, and constipation.

The discomfort that blood deficiency brings to us is whole-hearted. Therefore, the benefits of red dates to us are also full of heart. Regardless of whether the body has any problems, jujube is beneficial and harmless to our women. Therefore, it is no wonder that female health has never been possible without jujube.

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