Management Measures for Edible Fungi in Autumn

1. Fruiting management

Early autumn Pleurotus ostreatus: The management focus at this stage should emphasize the word "water". In conventional cultivation, the bacteria bag loses water severely after fruiting, so immersion or injec.......

Five points for high yield of cantaloupe

1. Timely sowing If you want to increase the yield of cantaloupe, you need to consider the factor of time. The state of cantaloupe in different periods is different, and the cantaloupe that can be produced is also very different. Sowing in time is.......

Measures to promote coloring of autumn tomatoes

Make sure that the light is sufficient. After the grass thatch is covered, try to lift the grass thatch as early as possible to increase the light time. It is also possible to timely remove redundant branches, old leaves, diseased leaves, residual.......

How to raise potted osmanthus?

1. Avoid the heat

In summer, the temperature is high, the water in the basin evaporates quickly, and the leaf water transpiration is also large. At this time, the amount of watering for potted osmanthus will greatly increase. The average d.......

New method can not decipher gene epigenetic code


Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a new method for deciphering the DNA epigenetic code, using DNA deaminase for gene sequencing. They published a paper in the journal Nature Biotechnology on the 8th.......

The nutritional value and efficacy of snake meat

We have 5,000 years of history and culture. It's no secret that we eat it. The history of eating snake meat is relatively early. The more we do is in the Guangdong region. Guangzhou people are particularly fond of snakes, and they are good at cooking snake food.......