Chinese scientists have discovered that genes that regulate the skin color and adapt to the cold at the same time

Chinese scientists have discovered that genes that regulate the skin color and adapt to the cold at the same time

Chinese scientists have discovered that genes that regulate the skin color and adapt to the cold at the same time

July 11, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet

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Chinese scientists have discovered genes that simultaneously regulate the lightening of modern human skin and adapt to the cold. The results were published in the international journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.

The author of the paper, Su Bing, a researcher at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that modern people originated in Africa 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, and left Africa about 75,000 years ago and spread to the rest of the world. “Our African ancestors migrate from areas close to the equator to subtropical and frigid zones at high latitudes, and face multiple challenges, such as weakened UV radiation, cold weather, etc. These environmental changes will create new pressures on the human genome, thus enabling Humans have new physiology and phenotype to adapt," said the soldier.

Ultraviolet radiation and temperature will change with latitude. So, is there genetically a gene that adapts to both environmental changes?

In cooperation with Kunming University of Science and Technology and the Beijing Institute of Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Guardian Laboratory found that a gene called "KITLG" has undergone multiple mutations through analysis of population genetics and cell function experiments. In European and East Asian populations, the selection signal for this gene appears in different regions, including regulatory regions upstream and downstream of the gene.

“We speculate that the KITLG gene may have experienced more than one selection event in modern people's outreach to Africa and to high-latitude regions,” said the parade. “Because there are not only mutations in the gene that cause the skin color of the Eurasian population to become lighter, It is also enriched in other areas with mutations that adapt to the cold."

Next, the researchers verified the speculation through cell cryopreservation experiments. The results show that this is indeed an example of the multiple functions of a gene being selected simultaneously in the population and affecting the phenotype.

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