Tomato cultivation slamming three attention

Grasp a good time to fight in 1 day, it is best to choose sunny high-temperature hours to fight. In the morning, the snoring caused excessive flow of blood and caused the loss of nutrients. At noon the temperature was high. After the snoring, the wounds healed quickly and there was less wo.......

Potassium fertilizer applied to apple trees

The timely and appropriate application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase fruit size, increase sugar content, increase coloring degree, and can also improve the intrinsic quality of fruit color, smooth skin and flavor. Absorption of potassium by apple trees is generally from e.......

What are the benefits of big ball mushroom?

1. First of all, the big mushroom is beneficial to patients with coronary heart disease. Long-term consumption can alleviate patients.

2. Some people have poor digestion ability and have the benefits of improving the digestive system after eating.

3, especially the effect o.......

Autumn planted zucchini melon technology

1. Management of fertilizer and water. After the summer squash is slowed down, it should be combined with top dressing to secrete a water to promote the development of the roots, and to promote the cockroaches, laying a good foundation for many results. After the seedlings, the morning and.......

Where is the fruit tree fertilized?

1. Fruit tree topdressing fertilizer, we must first know the absorption of fertilizer by fruit trees, mainly by root hair in the root system. Therefore, spraying new high-fat membrane with fertilizer in the concentrated distribution area of ​​root hair can improve the utiliza.......

Facility greenhouse vegetable "cross" pesticide

1. Cross-use between biological source pesticides, mineral source pesticides and organic synthetic pesticides. For example, in the production of cabbage, the Bt emulsion, the fish vine essence, the chlorpyrifos, the cypermethrin, and the trichlorfon can be used interchangeably.

2. .......

How to manage the daylily after picking

1. Remove weeds and eliminate germs. After the daylily picking, the pasture should be cleaned up in time, and the weeds and sickness around the field should be removed. The old leaves of the daylily should be removed, and the nutrients of the nutrients should be reduced, which helps the ea.......