Tomato cultivation slamming three attention

Tomato cultivation slamming three attention

Grasp a good time to fight in 1 day, it is best to choose sunny high-temperature hours to fight. In the morning, the snoring caused excessive flow of blood and caused the loss of nutrients. At noon the temperature was high. After the snoring, the wounds healed quickly and there was less wound flow. If the snoring occurred after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the wounds were easily infected by bacteria during the night.

Disinfection work before snoring to prevent cross-infection Before the operation is performed, manipulators and scissors should be thoroughly cleaned with soapy water or disinfectant. When burping, be selective. That is to say, first hit a healthy and disease-free plant, then hit the affected plant, and the remaining debris should be piled up, then clean up and buried, and avoid throwing it away.

When snoring, the cerumen 1 to 2 cm high at the base of the cerumen can effectively prevent the bacteria from invading the trunk from the wound, and it can also make the wound smaller, which is beneficial for wound healing.

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1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System

JRT High Frequency Range LiDAR Sensor is 2021 new product, that's a low-cost tof sensor but High frequency (up to 1000Hz). With 5cm high accuracy, the LiDAR Module can measure 80m.

Why the 1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System:
* Widely used in many industrial automation system, like, UAV, delivery van, anti-lock break system, construction automation,intelligent toy robots etc.
* Small size: 43*35*21mm, can be easily integrated
* Invisible laser design: the laser type is 905nm,Class I
* High Frequency: 1000hz/1khz
* Low power design

1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System

Chengdu JRT Main Ranging Modules: Industrial Laser Distance Sensor, Laser Distance Meter Module, Tof LiDAR Sensor.

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Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd ,