Three volts, summer heat, heavy, what to eat, dampness

Three volts, summer heat, heavy, what to eat, dampness

The weather in the three days is humid except for the high temperature, so this time the moisture will invade everyone's body and have a certain impact on the health of the body. At this time, everyone needs to eat some food to adjust. So what do you eat on the sky?

1, glutinous rice

The phlegm effect of glutinous rice is very good. The more common method of eating is to porridge with red beans. It is also a good way to stir glutinous rice into tea, or to make it into powder and brew it.


2, red beans

Red bean has the effect of diuretic detoxification and strengthening heart and spleen. It can effectively eliminate edema, excrete toxins and remove moisture. Therefore, you can drink more red bean soup in summer, or tanning with glutinous rice, and add some red dates and lily. However, be careful not to increase the meter, which will affect the dampness effect.

3, mung bean

Mung bean has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying and diuresis. It is a good medicine for summer heat. It can also effectively remove the wet evil in the body. It can be used as a summer drink.

4, winter melon

Winter melon has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, diuretic swelling, clearing the stomach and reducing fire. It can be eaten to reduce fat and dampness. It can be seen that melon is a very good food. It can be used to make melon ribs soup, melon duck and glutinous rice soup, and remove moisture. You can stir the winter melon slices.


5, celery

Celery tastes bitter, slimming, detoxification, and removes moisture. It is a nutritious vegetable. You can choose the common method of frying, or you can drink it, especially in the summer, after dinner, cup of celery juice. It is a very good choice, but celery is a sensitive food, try to drink at night to avoid sunburn.

6, chili, onion ginger garlic

In terms of moisture removal, these ingredients such as pepper and onion ginger are essential, especially pepper and ginger. Slightly hot and damp is more effective, but in summer, it is necessary to pay attention to the balance and reach too much balance. The fire is strong, don't just go wet and come to the fire.


7, Mao Gen

The root of the root is the root of the white stalk, which is a good material for diuretic dehumidification. Mao Gen boiled water or stew can be.

8, Atractylodes

Atractylodes is a compositae plant whose roots are used as a therapeutic diet. It has a healthy stomach and is effective for weak limbs and loss of appetite. Atractylodes stewed duck soup is a good dehumidification.

9, bandits

The earthworm is a white plant with its roots. It has the effect of promoting water flow in the body, diuretic and soothing effect. Earthworms and glutinous rice porridge, can clear away heat and detoxification, and dampness and collaterals.

10, lotus leaf

Take fresh leaves from lotus and use them in the sun. In addition to the role of dehumidification, there is also the effect of appetizing digestion. People with heavy moisture can drink water directly.


What should you eat with moisture?

1, cold food

Don't eat too much cold because you are too greedy, such as beer, ice cream, etc. These things eat too much, will only stay in the body, even worse

2, standing wet fruit

Moisture should avoid eating cold, standing fruits, watermelons, bananas and persimmons are taboo. These are the wet fruits, especially the children who eat these fruits in an uncontrolled manner, which will damage the spleen and yang, and have symptoms such as loose stools, anorexia and sleepiness.

3, sweet food

Sweet food can cause food to be weak, and some parents do not let children eat too much sweet food. This is one of the reasons, but it is not easy to digest, it is easy to cause bloating and inflammation of the stomach; sweet food eat less spleen, eat more wet.

4, greasy food

Greasy foods can't eat too much for people with moisture in the body. These greasy, fried, fried foods will make the body heavier, so eat less. The body is heavy and the diet must be light.

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