The early pathogenesis of dementia

The early pathogenesis of dementia

The early pathogenesis of dementia

October 26, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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The team at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan used Alzheimer's disease model mice to identify the pathological significance of SRRM2 protein phosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease. The study found that SRRM2 phosphorylation causes a decrease in SRRM2 inside the nucleus, and also leads to a decrease in RNA splicing-related proteins (especially the protein PQBP1, which causes developmental disorders), decreased expression of synaptic-related proteins, and synaptic disorders, eventually leading to dementia. symptom.

This finding sheds light on the ultra-early pathogenesis of dementia and is of great significance for the gene therapy of ultra-early dementia with new targeting molecules.

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