Who can not drink green bean soup?

Who can not drink green bean soup?

Mung bean soup has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxifying and is the best health food for reducing fire in summer. However, the extreme must be reversed, excessive consumption of mung bean soup, excessive fire, it may not reduce the fire to the opposite! Xiao Bian reminds you that mung bean soup is not suitable for everyone. In the process of eating, mung bean soup also has some dietary taboos that need attention.

What people can't drink green bean soup

1, weak people are prone to cause indigestion and diarrhea

Because mung bean contains more protein than chicken, macromolecular proteins need to be converted into small peptides and amino acids in order to be absorbed by the body. These people have poor digestive function and are prone to diarrhea due to indigestion.

2, people who drink cold will have more diarrhea will be thin

The person with cold body physique manifests as cold limbs, weak limbs, cold pain, and diarrhea. Eating mung beans can aggravate symptoms and even cause digestive diseases such as diarrhea (serious dehydration), joint muscle soreness caused by stagnant blood, cold stomach, and chronic gastritis caused by weak spleen and stomach. Drinking mung bean soup can prevent heat stroke, treat food poisoning, etc. It also has a certain effect on swelling, thirst, enthusiasm, and pox. However, people with cold physique, weakness, or taking drugs are not suitable for drinking.

3, excessive drinking green bean soup or cause gastrointestinal diseases

Most people drink mung bean soup, there may be stomach and cold diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases. Excessive drinking of green bean soup for women can cause gynecological symptoms such as leucorrhea, abdominal distension and dysmenorrhea.

4, drink an empty bean soup on the stomach is not good

Do not drink when fasting, mung bean soup is cold, fasting on the stomach is not good.

5, mung bean and Chinese medicine can not be the same service

Often heard people say: "Eating Chinese medicine can not eat mung beans, so as to avoid antidote." "Compendium of Materia Medica," said: "Mung bean smell cold, non-toxic ... ... solve all herbs, cattle and horses, Jinshi all poison." Folk boiled green bean soup also It is often used as one of the first aids for drug poisoning. Therefore, the mung bean and Chinese medicine can not be the same as the saying goes.

Mung bean itself is a Chinese medicine, can eliminate heat detoxification. If you suffer from exogenous wind-heat, swollen erysipelas, heat invasion and other heat-related diseases, taking traditional Chinese medicine can serve mung bean soup as usual, there is a complementary role. If you suffer from weakness in the gastrointestinal weak limbs, systemic chills, lumbar and leg cramps, loose stools and other symptoms should be fasting mung beans. Otherwise, it will not only reduce the efficacy of the drug, but also aggravate the condition. It can be seen that whether or not you can eat mung beans when taking Chinese herbal medicines is inconclusive. It should be based on the condition of the cold and heat and the taste of Chinese medicine.

6, mung bean soup can not drink every day

Drink properly, no problem. Adults usually drink 2 or 3 times a week, every time you have a bowl. Children should be based on physical fitness, it is best to consult a physician. In general, when children start eating porridge when they are 2 to 3 years old, they can add some green beans. After 6 years old, adults can drink.

What can mung bean cure?

1, treatment of hypertension: sulfur, mung bean equal amount (wrapped with gauze), add boiling water after 2 hours out of sulfur dry, add wine, rhubarb 20% tablet, 4 tablets each time, 1 day service, after meals, 10 days for a course of treatment, treatment interval of 5 days. Treatment of 107 cases, the cure rate of 68.22%, the effective rate was 93.46%.

2, treatment of mumps: use raw green beans 60 grams to cook in a small pot until cooked, add cabbage heart 2 to 3, cook for about 20 minutes, take juice Dayton clothing, daily 1 or 2 times. Treatment of 34 cases (3 to 4 days duration), all cured. If used early in the disease is better.

3, the treatment of acne: carp 1 (weighing about 60 to 90 grams), mung bean 100 grams, cooked soup to eat meat, even served 3 to 5 days, 20 cases of intractable acne treatment, recovery in 18 cases, invalid 2 cases .

4, treatment of paint sores: 60 grams of mung bean, barley 30 grams, wash water amount, erosion; add sugar amount, even soup 1 Dayton clothing, 1 day. Another 60 grams of raw green beans, soaked with boiling water for 12 hours, removed and smashed into a paste, external application of the affected area several times a day. In 12 cases, the rash disappeared within 4 days and was cured.

5, treatment of recurrent aphthous: 1 egg, mung bean amount. The eggs into the bowl into a paste, mung bean into the casserole, soaked in cold water for 10 to 20 minutes and then boil, take boiling green beans into the egg paste for drinking, daily morning and evening 1 time. Treatment of 70 cases, usually 3 days Jiyu.

6, treatment of heat stroke: mung bean 500 grams, 30 grams of licorice, add 5000ml of water, cook until mung bean blossom, cold offspring tea, can be used for heatstroke dehumidification.

7, treatment poisoning

(1) raw green soy milk, serving half a bowl each time, treatment of 1059 pesticide poisoning in 2 cases, all served 3 times and more.

(2) Take mung bean licorice detoxification soup with 120 grams of mung bean as main ingredient, take 1 dose each day and night (if necessary, take 1 dose 6 hours), or lower the stomach tube, if you can eat as much as possible to drink mung bean soup, treat phenytoin sodium Poisoning, dichlorvos poisoning, chlordiazepoxide poisoning and other cases were all cured.

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