Two methods for preparing fruit tree whitening agent

Two methods for preparing fruit tree whitening agent

1. Take 2.5 kg of quicklime, 0.5 kg of stone sulfur mixture, 0.5 kg of salt, 50 g of animal oil and 9 kg of water. The quicklime and the salt are separately heated by hot water, and then the two liquids are mixed and thoroughly stirred, and then the animal oil and the stone sulfur mixture are added, and the mixture is stirred.

Second, take 3 kg of quicklime, 0.5 kg of salt, 50 g of oil, 0.5 kg of stone sulfur mixture, 8-9 kg of water. When preparing, first add lime to the paste, then add the oil and water and mix well. Finally, add the salt and stone sulphur solution and mix well.

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