Rainy days, vegetable yellow leaves should pay attention

Rainy days, vegetable yellow leaves should pay attention

Symptoms such as yellow leaves, small leaves, falling flowers and fruit drop are related to deficiency, and this phenomenon is spreading year by year. After expert analysis, there are mainly the following reasons.

First, there are more cloudy days. More cloudy days, lower temperatures lead to vegetable root injury, affecting the absorption of nutrients, showing symptoms of deficiency. In addition, even the lack of light in the cloudy day, resulting in crop malnutrition, carbohydrates can not be converted, the leaves are thicker and smaller, the roots (especially the root tip) are injured, brown, no new roots. If the management of large fertilizers is carried out at this time, there are many roots in vegetables, and it is impossible to absorb nutrients normally. Vegetables are bound to suffer from deficiency. At this time, spraying foliar fertilizer is the most effective solution.

Second, the application of trace elements should not be used. In order to pursue high yields, some vegetable farmers have applied a large amount of fertilizer to the greenhouse, and neglected the application of trace elements, resulting in a general increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and insufficient trace elements. Some vegetable farmers use excessive amounts of micronutrient fertilizers. Because of antagonism, roots absorb other elements and are inhibited, thus showing symptoms of deficiency.

Third, the concentration of soil solution in the shed is too high. Due to the large-scale use of chemical fertilizers by vegetable farmers, the soil solution concentration is too high, the root system of the plants is poorly developed, and sufficient nutrient supply plants cannot be absorbed to grow, and the plants exhibit deficiency syndrome.

Fourth, prevention is inappropriate. Some vegetable farmers see that the leaves of vegetables are yellow, and they think that they are lack of fertilizer, so they apply a lot of chemical fertilizers, and the results are counterproductive, leading to more and more serious diseases of vegetables. Therefore, the farmers should be given more guidance to distinguish the symptoms of various deficiency.

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