Progress in selective reduction carbonylation cyclization of aromatic nitro compounds in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Industry

Progress in selective reduction carbonylation cyclization of aromatic nitro compounds in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Industry

Progress in selective reduction carbonylation cyclization of aromatic nitro compounds in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Industry

October 24, 2018 Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Recently, Li Fuwei, a research group of the State Key Laboratory of Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, developed a new palladium-catalyzed CO selective reduction-insertion method for the insertion of o-nitrostyrene, successfully achieving CO as a reducing agent and The dual role of the carbonyl source has better atomic economy. The porphyrin-2-one and quinolin-2-one skeleton compounds can be selectively prepared by adjusting the reaction conditions, and the two types of skeleton compounds are widely present in natural products and drug molecules, such as melatonin-derived , antipsychotic aripiprazole (Aripiprazole) and the like. This work provides a new method for the efficient preparation of five-membered rings and six-membered cyclic lactams.

The ruthenium skeleton compound has a large number and a variety of types, and has important application value in the fields of biology, medicine, pesticides, dyes and spices. Reductive cyclization of o-nitrostyrene is one of the commonly used methods for synthesizing anthracene skeleton compounds. The Cadogan-Soderberg reaction is to synthesize anthracene with an o-nitrostyrene derivative as a substrate, but a stoichiometric organophosphine is used. Deoxidizer, causing environmental pollution. In 1986, the Cenini group realized the first metal-catalyzed reduction of o-nitrostyrene by ruthenium carbon monoxide (CO). In this catalytic system, carbon monoxide acts as an organophosphine in Cadogan-Soderberg吲哚 synthesis, greatly improving the atomic economy of the reaction. Sexuality solves a lot of environmental problems caused by the use of organic phosphine, but CO only acts as a reducing agent. For more than 30 years, Cenini, Driver, Soderberg and other research groups have developed a series of high-efficiency catalysts for this reaction. At present, metal-catalyzed reduction of o-nitrostyrene by carbon monoxide has become a major method for synthesizing hydrazine, but CO is simultaneously The insertion of a carbonyl source has been a blank in the field.

The results of the Li Fuwei team show that the counter anion of the catalyst palladium precursor has an important effect on the chemical selectivity of o-nitrostyrene to hydrazine or carbonyl-containing compounds, while the ligand controls the insertion of CO into the o-nitrostyrene region. Selective. The gram-grade synthetic antipsychotic drug Aripiprazole can be efficiently achieved by this method, and the total yield is as high as 77%. The results of this study were recently published in ACS Catalysis (2018, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.8b02863).

The work was supported by the National Youth Science Foundation's Outstanding Youth Fund Project, the Lanzhou Institute of Technology's “First Three-Five” Key Cultivation Project, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Frontier Science Key Deployment Project.

Progress in selective reduction carbonylation cyclization of aromatic nitro compounds in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Industry

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