Main points of cultivation techniques of kale

Main points of cultivation techniques of kale

1 seedlings. Spring planting is planted in January, greenhouse seedlings, planting in winter protected areas, sowing 30-35 days before planting, the seedling method is the same as other cabbage-based vegetables, and the seedlings are ready to be planted at 4-5 leaves.

2 colonization. Before planting, the soil preparation and application of base fertilizer, because the harvest period of kale is long, the amount of fertilizer needs to be large, the planting area must be applied to the base fertilizer, and the organic fertilizer compost can be used as the base fertilizer, such as decomposed chicken and pig manure, 22500-30000 kg per hectare. The flat land is made of scorpion, the scorpion is 110 cm wide, and the two rows are planted. The row spacing is 45-50 cm 50 cm, and about 37500 plants per hectare are planted. Watering is timely after planting.

3 field management. Kale needs a large amount of water and fertilizer. It is watered 5-7 days after planting, and the second water is poured after about 15-20 days, and topdressing is applied. 150 kg of urea per hectare, cultivating and weeding, often keeping the soil moist, rainy season Pay attention to drainage, if the drainage is not timely, the water will easily cause yellowing of the leaves, about 40 days after planting, start harvesting until the early winter. Planting in winter protected areas can be harvested until May of the following year. In the summer and autumn, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of insect pests such as cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth and aphid. Generally speaking, in the cool season, the quality and flavor are good. In the hot summer, the fiber is thicker and harder, the quality is worse, and the taste is bitter.

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