Glioma stem cell new "opponent" was found

Glioma stem cell new "opponent" was found

Glioma stem cell new "opponent" was found

May 16, 2019 Source: Health News Network

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Recently, a team of Professor Wang Huibo from the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University found that a specific small molecule inhibitor called WP1130 has an effective inhibitory effect on glioma stem cells. This study provides a new strategy for clinical treatment of glioma. Related papers have been published online in the International Journal of Clinical Research, Journal of Clinical Research. The magazine has specially distributed special review articles for this research, and the monthly abstracts published in the journal also recommended this research work as a key recommendation.

According to reports, under certain conditions, stem cells can differentiate into multiple functional cells, with the potential to regenerate various tissues and organs and the human body. However, there is also a type of "bad" stem cells - cancer stem cells, which are the most primitive cells that cause tumors. Glioblastoma is the most common and most difficult primary malignancy in the central nervous system. A protein called ALDH1A3 is the "black hand" behind glioma stem cells. The higher the activity of this protein, the more invasive and resistant the glioma stem cells are, and the more likely they are to grow into gliomas.

A team of Professor Wang Huibo confirmed that an enzyme called USP9X binds to the ALDH1A3 protein, allowing tumor stem cells to maintain these toxic properties. The research team found that WP1130, a specific small molecule inhibitor of USP9X, can effectively inhibit the deubiquitination of ALDH1A3, and ultimately lose the ability of glioma stem cells to continue to do evil.

The study reveals a completely new mechanism for glioma stem cells to change from “seeds” to “bad fruits.” It also evaluated the efficacy and safety of WP1130 as a novel molecularly targeted drug for this type of tumor. The quality of the tumor provides a new perspective. (Correspondent Cai Xinyi, reporter Cheng Shouqin)

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