Water-saving and drought-resistant rice planting points

Water-saving and drought-resistant rice planting points

1, timely sowing

Sowing in Hubei live before June 15th, if planted as a regenerative rice after the Ching Ming Festival (make sure to plant before April 20) can be planted. The amount of seed used for dry live broadcasting is 4 kg, the amount of water used for live broadcasting is 3.5 kg, and the amount of seed used for throwing acre is 3 kg. After the rice is planted, the soil is sprayed with 33% pendimethalin EC 100-150 ml water 30-50 kg soil spray (acre dose, the drug is mainly used to control annual grass, broadleaf and sedge), soil Closed weeding; three-leaf one-heart period with 10% Hanqiu good EC100 ~ 150 ml (mu dosage, mainly used to control weeds, thousand gold, crabgrass, goosegrass, especially for the prevention of crabgrass, tendon grass performance Especially prominent) + chloroflupiric acid 50 ml (acre, mainly used to control broadleaf weeds) for stem and leaf treatment; in the later stage, weeds can be manually removed.

2. Field management - water

Seedling stage: If the soil moisture is insufficient, it should be timely irrigated after sowing to ensure sprouting, prevent emergence of seedlings, large and small seedlings and prolong the growth period due to late emergence.

Booting stage: Rice at the booting stage and the stage of filling milk is most sensitive to moisture. It is necessary to ensure that the relative humidity of the soil is above 80% to ensure high yield.

3, field management - with fertilizer

The base fertilizer accounts for 70-80% of the total fertilization amount, and the general base fertilizer applies compound fertilizer (N15: P15: K15) 25-30 kg. The field with insufficient soil fertility can increase the amount of fertilization appropriately;

Topdressing: 5-8 kg of urea is applied to the jointing stage to the jointing stage. It is recommended not to apply the ear fertilizer. In the later stages, there is usually no need for topdressing

4. Field management - pest control

Pay attention to the control of pests such as aphids, rice planthoppers, rice blast, and sheath blight. Before heading, 300 ml (acre dose) of Bacillus subtilis was used to control rice false smut and sheath blight. In particular, rice smut is easy to control, and the whole field is divided into two doses: the first time when more than one third of the whole stalk of the whole field is taken out, that is, when it is commonly called "big package" (from the time of emergence) About 5-7 days), this is the peak of the initial infection of the bacteria. At this time, the drug is used, and the control effect is best. The second time is at the beginning of the rupture, and once again, the drug is used for consolidation. And to improve the control effect, it is recommended to use Jinggangmycin, chlorhexidine, Baoshenning and so on.

5. Water-saving and drought-resistant rice as a regenerative rice planting requires special attention to the following three points:

The first is to plant in Hubei before April 20, the second is to keep 35-45cm when harvesting, and the third is to apply two times to regenerate fertilizer (20-30 kg twice).

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