Vegetable seedling prevention method for lengthening, rigid and flashing seedlings

Vegetable seedling prevention method for lengthening, rigid and flashing seedlings

Spring is the beginning of a new cropping cycle for most crops, and most vegetable crops require seedlings, especially melons and fruit vegetables. For example, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, etc., need to be cultivated before the seedlings, and then transplanted in the field. In the process of raising seedlings, we must guard against these kinds of phenomena, specifically what? Let's take a look at the following.


First, physiological disorders

There are physiological obstacles in seedlings, which have a lot to do with our planting environment and field management. For example, if the temperature is not properly controlled, freezing damage may occur; when the temperature and humidity are not well grasped, it is very prone to appear long seedlings; insufficient water and fertilizer, low temperature, high seeding density, slow growth of seedlings, prolonged seedling age, causing dead seedlings, etc. phenomenon. When the seedlings appear, the roots and stems of the seedlings are small and small. After transplanting the fields, they can not grow normally, with less flowers and less fruits, which affects the yield and quality.

1, young seedlings

The seedlings are long and are a physiological obstacle we often encounter when planting or growing seedlings. It is mostly caused by low light, high temperature and high humidity, high density during sowing, and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. The young seedlings can make the seedlings have thin stems, poor roots, slow adaptation to the environment after transplanting, susceptible to pests and diseases, and even inhibit reproductive growth, affecting the quality and yield of vegetables.

The preventive measures are relatively simple, and the seedlings can be seeded after the seedlings and time, and the light time and intensity can be increased. Even in the winter, when the weather is fine, the cover should be uncovered to make the seedlings see light; the temperature and humidity of the seedbed should not be too high or too low; avoid the application of nitrogen fertilizer, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and if necessary, use the inhibitory growth agent. To control the governor in time and cultivate strong seedlings.

2, seedling rigidity

The seedlings are inhibited during growth and development, and almost stop growing. The phenomenon that the plants are short and the leaves are light and pale is a dead seedling. The rigid seedlings are not recommended for transplanting. They can hardly form a commercial part, and even if they are transplanted, they cannot grow normally.

The rigidity of the seedlings is essentially limiting the continued growth of the seedlings for some reason. This may be due to factors such as low seedbed temperature, poor soil, insufficient nutrients, and drought causing excessive seedling age.

When we prevent the emergence of dead plants, we must do the appropriate work. When the temperature of the seedbed is too low, it is necessary to raise the temperature, properly watering, ventilation, and refining the seedling; for the case of dead seedlings, spray the plant growth regulator, such as gibberellin, or spray urea. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution, to supplement nutrients for seedlings, stimulate their continued growth, or can be saved back.


3, flash seedling phenomenon

The emergence of seedlings in seedlings is due to long-term rainy and illuminating weather. After exposure to strong sunlight, the seedlings are inaccurate due to darkness and light. It’s as if we have been indoors for a long time, and when we suddenly walk out of the house, there will be blackening in front of us. After the emergence of the seedlings, the seedlings may lose water, dryness, and wilting, which is very detrimental to the growth of the seedlings.

In management, try to make the seedlings see more light, increase the illumination time to prevent the length of the light; when the rainy and rainy day meets the glare of the sunny day, it should be properly blocked, or gradually open the cover to allow the seedlings to receive the sunlight; When applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, it is necessary to pay attention to the emission of ammonia gas, and avoid the flashing of seedlings caused by the accumulation of excessive ammonia gas in the shed.

Roots and frost damage are also very common in spring seedlings, and we should pay attention to it. When the soil temperature is lower than 10 degrees Celsius, when the humidity is high, the seedling roots are prone to occur. It is characterized by browning and rot of the roots, and the leaves are yellow and not showing. When the seedlings show signs of rooting, it is necessary to reduce the amount and frequency of watering, and timely cultivating the loose soil to reduce the humidity and increase the ground temperature, which can alleviate the roots; the spring temperature is unstable, and the seedlings may also suffer from low temperature freezing damage. Is a major cause of failure in nursery. Frozen seedlings, physiological functions decline, flower buds are poorly differentiated, and flower and fruit detachment and deformed fruit are easily caused in the later stage, and temperature management of the nursery environment should be strengthened.

Second, the main disease prevention

When growing vegetables, the biggest threats to disease are blight and stagnation. Both of these diseases can cause the disease at the base of the stems of the seedlings to die. The difference is that the stem-based lesions of the blight are atrophied and dried up until the seedlings die, and it is not easy to fold. However, when the lesions at the base of the stem are wrapped around the stem, the diseased part of the disease is contracted and thinned, and it is easy to fold and die; before the seeds are unearthed The disease also causes the seeds to rot.

These two diseases are mostly caused by low temperature and high humidity, and the seeding density is large. When watering is too much, it is easy to develop and spread. When it is prevented, it can be improved for the seedbed environment; the plant can be sterilized after the soil is disinfected by the carbendazim, and the agents such as chlorhexidine, carbendazim, jinggangmycin, and anti-virus cockroaches can be sprayed in time before or after the onset. The effect is good.


In the process of vegetable planting, the management of seedlings and the effective control of diseases are very important for the growth and development of vegetables in the later stage. Therefore, we must do a good job in these seedlings.

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